Fauci Set to RETIRE Before the Midterm Elections RED WAVE

Dr. Anthony Fauci is a lot of things – evil, manipulative, dishonest and short – but he’s no dummy. The rumor in DC right now is that Fauci plans to retire sometime before the summer of 2022. He sees the coming electoral bloodbath that’s going to happen in November, and knows it’s time for him to get out of dodge.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is set to become the new chair of the House Judiciary Committee once Republicans shellack the Democrats in the midterms. And Jordan has already stated numerous times that he plans to launch investigations into Fauci’s mad scientist experiments with the CCP that led to the creation of COVID-19.

Hey, Jim: Maybe take a look at Fauci’s bank accounts and stock holdings while you’re at it! Just a hunch!

If Fauci waits until after the elections to retire, it would make it look like he’s just a partisan hack and career bureaucrat playing for the Democrats’ team (which he is). But if he retires before the election, he’ll have some culpability to claim that his sudden departure has nothing to do with politics. Anyway, it’ll be nice to see him heading out the door either way.

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38 thoughts on “Fauci Set to RETIRE Before the Midterm Elections RED WAVE”

  1. This FAUX Dr. FALSY even if he retires the SOB POS still can be arrested for being a WORLD MASS SERIEL KILLER. which I would love to see this SOB POS Arrested brought up on these charges of being a MASS SERIEL KILLER,, found GUILTY as CHARGED and then Hanged and be TELEVISED ALL OVER THE WORLD .

      1. Fire this SOB so he doesn’t get a life long pension on the backs of all the Americans and people throughout the world. He should be imprisoned for the rest of his life.

      2. I like what you just said and he will go after him, I will add a few more ideas of what he can get him for. They need to take down Bill Gates, George Soros and the Rockefellers too, look up The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010. They are EVIL people.

      1. He is the highest paid federal government employee, making more than even the president makes. I would be very surprised if he “retires”. But I agree with putting him in prison for the rest of his stinking life. He would not fare well in prison.

  2. This man killed hundreds with his lies, He should be locked up for the rest of his days, He killed children and animals as well as thousands of his own people, show him no mercy.

    1. Go back and take a look at his involvement in covering up how HIV/AIDS was accidentally released on the public. Back in the 70’s they were trying to develop a pill form of the Polio Vaccine. There was something that they used that was excreted from the kidneys or livers of a certain type of ape. The scientist involved did not realize that the apes they were using were infected with SIV – the ape form of HIV. The pills were then given to “volunteers” and the AIDS epidemic began. In those days the gay community took the brunt of the blame. I haven’t read anything to indicate that Fauci was involved in the research – but – he was involved in hiding and destroying evidence regarding what happened.

      1. While I am absolutely no fan of the LGBT community, I will admit the LGBT probably has one of the biggest ‘axes to grind’ with Fauci, more so than any other group. Just imagine if the fringe group ACT-UP, which came about in the mid to late 1980s had the knowledge we have today about Fauci’s nefarious actions with respect to AIDS/HIV, they would have unleashed all their wrath and demonstrations on the source and called for his head.

        1. particularly the G’s of the LGBT community (T’s were not prevalent back in the 1980’s) as the G’s were who Fauci first said AIDS/HIV circulated amongst

    2. Yes. He needs to arrested before he has time to escape to a country that has no extradition policies. And before he gets a chance to claim his big fat pension. Grab him BEFORE the midterms if you want to see justice done.

  3. He know he guilty! Who else call the virus in 2009 just a common flu? And laughing about it! Even after 12 thousands people died! That was the first time I took it personally! Then we hear Obama gave ALL THE VENTILATION TO GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ONLY! And refused to restocking the warehouse! Obama said it was a WASTE OF MONEY! So here boom were two people the country depends upon to keep America safe! THEY FAIL! JUST AS DEMOCRAT FAILING IN HELPING THE ECONOMY! Dr. Fauci shall be arrested and charge with MURDERED! LOSE HIS PENSION MONEY AND RETIREMENT MONEY. He destroy other people lives! His 300k can go to them to help them recover.

    1. Let’s not forget MRS FAUCI , whatever her name might be, Christina(?), Is on the ETHIC committee of the FDA . The folks who decide to poison with the latest vaqs or drugs in the pipe. HANG EVERYONE OF THE POS WHO CHOSE PROFIT OVER PEOPLE AND GRANTED EUA.
      #CrimesAgainstHumanity #SaveTheChildren

  4. Go after Fauci and wife, take all their assets. Give the asset to all the people family that lost their lives. Then go after Fauci boss for the cover up. Then when your through close the NIHI and the FBI, CIA, WHO, Fire all the Biden administration for treason.

    1. I’ll second that too. They deserve a prison cell (if not a hanging) instead of their nice home and thousands of dollars each year for all the Americans killed. He sickens me.

  5. he needs to be held accountable for all that he has done and he should go to jail for the crimes he has committed! he has lied to all of us for years and should be tried for murder. If any of us, the common folk, had done this we would be in prison.

  6. He should be tried at the Haga for crimes against humanity! Remember Menegle same type of man! He loves the power, the spotlight and all the money he and his wife have made off of the people of the world during the pandemic! You need the read Kennedy’s book = your eye will be opened as to who Faucie really is and you will not like what you read! And his ego is what has been fed and he really loves himself! Like to hear himself talk and say nothing! He is pond scum! Please do not feed into his garbage because he cannot tell the truth! Short men have to build themselves up to normal height and he just cannot make it happen! He is built on a pack of lies and he is the one telling them to the world! Remember he put Bill Gates in charge of the WHO! That should make the hair on the back of your neck stand up!

  7. He should be tried at the Haga for crimes against humanity! Remember Menegle same type of man! Loves the power, spotlight and all the money he and his wife have made off of the people of the world during the pandemic! Read Kennedy’s book – your eyes will be opened as to who Faucie really is and you will not like what you read! And his ego is what has been fed and he really loves himself! Like to hear himself talk and say nothing! He is pond scum! Please do not feed into his garbage because he cannot tell the truth! Short men have to build themselves up to normal height and he just cannot make it happen! He is built on a pack of lies and he is the one telling them to the world! Remember he put Bill Gates in charge of the WHO! That should make the hair on the back of your neck stand up!

  8. He should be tried at the Haga for crimes against humanity! Remember Menegle same type of man! Loves the power, spotlight and all the money he and his wife have made off of the people of the world during the pandemic! Read Kennedy’s book – your eyes will be opened as to who Faucie really is! And his ego is what has been fed and he really loves himself! Likes to hear himself talk and say nothing! He is pond scum! Do not feed into his garbage because he cannot tell the truth! Short men have to build themselves up to normal height and he just cannot make it happen! He is built on a pack of lies and he is the one telling them to the world! Remember he put Bill Gates in charge of the WHO! That should make the hair on the back of your neck stand up!

  9. Why did Fox drop Lara Logan after she compared Fauci to Josef Mengele? Appears to be she was right on target. I suppose I need to remember this network also fired the great Lou Dobbs. So much for fair & balanced!

  10. He should not be allowed to retire with his $350,000.00 pension. He needs to be indicted,prosecuted and executed(along with others) for intentional global mass murder. It seems as he,his cohorts in communist china along with some wealthy wannabe rulers of the universe experimented with the human race. He also lied and misled the President and congress and the American people just to cover his own butt. He doesn’t deserve a retirement, he has earned a noose.

  11. Well Fauci, that’s not good enough… American Patriots want to see you (and your wife) in prison! Today!! You’re just a sad little man, that has killed many Americans, with your sadistic vaccination requirements… Your advice is destroying the mentality and health of our service members too, and that toxic jab, has killed thousands of folks, since Jan 2020… So Fauci, you deserve “the best treatment,” that we can find for you! I personally want to see you accept your first toxic experimental gene therapy jab, followed by 3 boosters… Since the third jab has multiple strands of HIV in it, and you have been the expert with HIV in the U.S. since 1984, you know exactly what that jab will do to your organs, brain, and central nervous system… If I were King for a day, I’d be knocking on your doorstep, to deliver those toxic jabs! Poetic Justice…

  12. If there is a way to get rid of him that will deny him that exorbitant pension, do it! he should be in good shape financially since he’s been stealing from taxpayers for decades!

  13. He will try to leave gracefully before the midterms because for sure he will be FIRED Dishonorable with Criminal Charges stacked a mile high once the Republicans take over the House & Senate. What a little weasel.

  14. I don’t care when he leaves. Just go away. He is a dangerous individual who has enriched his bank account while we, the people, have suffered unnecessarily .

  15. If you still think Fauci is a good guy, look up the experiments he did on young beagles. Monster !
    But if you have trouble sleeping, maybe you should skip this.

    1. And Not just Beagels, monkeys , Owls , ( more horrific than the beagels!) And CHILDREN hanging noose or firing squad. I Personally feel that he should FEEL THE PAIN these Animals Endured before he’s hung. SERIOUSLY he has no Empathy but I bet his pain receptors work just fine. Beagle experiment first then the owls. TWICE OVER. GOD FORGIVE ME for wishing that on anyone, but he needs it

  16. Dr. My ass! 1800’s he would be called a QUACK AND HUNG!
    DEMOCRATS and the swamp are running Scared
    Keep your eyes open and guns CLOSE! DEMOCRATS have not opened the BORDER to MILITARY age men for nothing.



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