Migrants Hit The Jackpot!

Sanctuary states, which provide housing, food, and medical treatment to newly arrived immigrants who entered the country under President Joe Biden’s administration, want to give out billions of dollars in government funds to migrants by 2024.

A $237 billion budget for New York was adopted by lawmakers, and it is anticipated to be signed by Governor Kathy Hochul (D). Of that amount, around $2.4 billion would go toward providing recently arriving migrants with housing, healthcare, and legal assistance.

The Republican who leads the New York State Senate, Rob Ortt, has issued a warning, stating that providing money for migrants will simply encourage more people to enter the sanctuary state illegally.

The Chicago City Council voted 30–18 to authorize an additional $70 million in cash for housing, food, and medical treatment for the almost 40,000 migrants who have landed since August 2022 in the sanctuary city of Chicago, Illinois.

Additionally, Chicago is receiving $48 million in funding from the federal government and Illinois state officials to provide medical care for migrants. Legislators in Illinois are poised to provide even more funding—roughly $182 million—to migrants as part of a 2025 budget.

In opposition to the money, Democratic Alderman Anthony Beale declared, “They will not come if you turn off the cash spigot.”

“When will we be able to help us?” When will we begin to assist those in need here? Beale enquired.

Governor Maura Healey (D) and other state Democrats in Massachusetts, a sanctuary state, want to spend hundreds of millions of public dollars on immigrant shelter services.

Democrats in Colorado, a sanctuary state, are working to create a grant program that would help immigrants “navigate services and programs within a year of their arrival in the United States in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner.”

Author: Steven Sinclaire

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22 thoughts on “Migrants Hit The Jackpot!”

  1. Why don’t you help the Americans that work hard everyday. While Food , Electricity Housing, Clothing, Taxes, Medication, Fuel,
    prices continue to rise!
    Joe Biden is the worst President in my lifetime!

    1. I agree 100%. Voting Red for LAW and Order. Dems are scared to death. They know its their final days of corruption of Power and Control. They are a severely broken Administration. Their polices are absolutely ridiculous. Not fit for reality. What a messed up bunch of people. Democrats are pathetic human demons.

      1. You are smart, I mean you are one American that sees the danger, of what Biden has done. America was the land of plenty, under the present regime , it will become another Zimbabwe. I can’t understand Americans are being led to the slaughter, like a bunch of sheep, whilst the criminal politicians are destroying all that we hold dear..

    2. I know of many AMERICAN citizens who are living in poverty and working at multiple jobs that deserve to have these ‘giveaways …….They give, they serve in our military, or have served, pay taxes, abide by our laws and cause no problems like we have now with all of these ‘freeloaders’ and God knows what coming into our country and taking away everything our forefathers up to present AMERCAN (US) citizens worked and are trying to survive now in this lawless, low grade country that we are now. Wake up AMERICA……and God Help Us in this crisis that greed, power, and destructive lives are doing to us…..

  2. Next thing you know we will all be kicked out of our house to support these illegals, while we will be pushed out into the streets. You will definitely see a civil caused by these socialists democrats who think they are God Himself.

    1. You are absolutely correct, this is what happens, they displace legal Americans for illegals. People say —Can’t happen in America, well, it is happening right now.

  3. I can’t believe Joe Biden won’t close the border. What about our own homeless people our veterans what is he doing for them. It is illegal what he is doing we do have immigration laws in place but he doesn’t want to follow them. My taxes shouldn’t be going to illegal immigrants we have our own problems

    1. We as Americans who actually love this country must unite and Vote Biden and his communist out of office and then see that Donald Trump puts them all in Federal prison, remember good people Biden and his useless crew of criminals can and will be indited and put on trial for the very same crimes they fabricated against Trump, if the democrats are blaming Trump then that’s proof the Democrats are committing those very crimes. Joe Biden will go to Prison and that’s a Fact and so will Jill, Hunter and James Biden along with Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters and any other Democrat that had anything to do with the Fake Russian Collusion they used to frame Trump and interfere with a {residential election, this is why dems are trying so hard to get DLT convicted when its all said there will be a new FBI and DOJ directors and many state AGS and Judges will go to prison and this is what it will take to put America in good Standing again but it must happen with Trump, he deserves the right for some payback!

  4. Pure and simple it’s Treason against the American people! Top to bottom start to finish! This act is punishable by death! Hope it’s coming their way soon! Americans are doomed under this demoncratic anti American anti semitic satanic regime!

  5. They aren’t “migrants”, they aren’t “immigrants”. They’re law-breaking illegal aliens! And the only thing we owe them is deportation.


  7. The worst president in the history of the entire world has no business doing what he’s doing inviting people into our country flying them all over the place, destroying every city in our in America he should’ve been impeached a long time ago.

  8. IN NO WAY does this fly for the normal American citizen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joe is just buying VOTES cause he cant win a fair Election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. What part of “illegal” is so damn hard to understand? These ILLEGALS are draining the countries finances, food, medicine and FREEDOM! The humanitarian solution is deportation, but there are cheaper alternatives.

  10. This entire situation of the open borders that Joe Biden has created is absolutely Insane, And why not because only an Insane person would do something like this. I’ve been on this Earth for 65 years I’ve served my Country proudly in the Military and then as a County Police Officer until I retired, And in all these years I have never seen anything more corrupt, more deliberate, evil, wicked and heinous than the criminal and Immoral acts that Joe Biden and his handlers have perpetrated against the American people. It’s very obvious that Joe Biden hates America and her people. These people that Joe has encouraged to Invade our Country are not Immigrants, they are not migrants as Joe and the left keep referring to them as, They are Illegal Aliens, key word being “ILLEGAL” and Joe continues to treat them as long lost family members catering to their every Whim. Joe uses the American peoples tax dollars to fund his Illegal Alien infiltration of every State and City within the U.S. all while we have displaced Families, Veterans and Tax paying American Citizens living on the streets, Jobless, homeless and hungry all because of the record high Inflation Joe Biden has caused. Does Joe do anything to help these American Citizens? Absolutely Not! Nothing, Joe Biden could care less about the Americans who are suffering, the children who are hungry and scared because they don’t understand why their World has been turned upside down. They don’t understand that we have a mad man in the White House, a man who is so Senile and Incompetent That he can’t answer a few questions unless he has the question and the answer as well as the name and picture of the person who’s going to ask the Question ahead of time. This is our President, if you can call him that with a straight face. It’s really sad because we could have a 10 year old do everything Joe Biden has done to this point and probably do a better Job at it than Joe has done. I’m sick of it, I’m sick of the media covering for Biden, I’m sick of his Lies and the softball interviews he does like the one with Stern he just did. They are useless and serve no purpose, a trained monkey could do what he does. The man is a Criminal, he’s corrupt, so is his Son Hunter, over 6 years of supposed Investigation and nothing! Joe tried to make it all go away. Thank God we had one Judge that didn’t buy their B.S. and said no more. Of course it still remains to be seen if he will get the punishment he deserves or if it was all for political theater, I hope not. I hope they screw his a$$ to the wall right along with his Lying crooked Daddy. We need to watch and be patient and see if someone has the gonads to step up and say no more cover up, no more free ride for the Illegals, just NO MORE PERIOD!

  11. The goal of Sleepy Joe and the socialist democraps is to destroy America. Bring in the ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM AROUND THE WORLD AND MAKE THEM CITIZENS, THEN THEY WILL VOTE DEMOCRAP. With the goal of turning America into a third world shithole. WAKE UP AMERICA!!! VOTE GOP IN NOVEMBER AND TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY FROM THE SOCIALIST!!!!

  12. Yes old Joe is a crawl-in president who should not be called president cause he won nothing !! But was placed in by a crooked bunch of dirty democrats. And the justice department forget it they are in the back pockets of the dirty democrats. And on day one Joe started his plan of destroying America cause he truly hates America and the American people. He open up the border to let the illegal invasion in and in all honesty it’s against the law and he should be hanged for high treason against America and the American people. But again we have know law. Biden is above the law. He is the most corrupt politician in America history. The worse dam thing that ever happened to our great country. And not this high treason person is destroying our homeland and laughing in our faces. Yes he is shifting on every American citizen out here and know one is stopping this horrible person from destroying are homes. He has USA so far more in debt than we can get out of we will fall because of Joe Biden and his corrupt government. The lost of the United States of America is coming . And people it’s all the democrats fault.

  13. Disgusting, Disgusting, Disgusting!
    When are you Morons going to wake up, and send these Traitors packing?
    Nothing for homeless Americans, and billions for illegals!

    Trump will take care of this mess!

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