Everyone Knows Joe Biden is Weaponizing Government Against Us

No one is fooled by Joe Biden’s massive expansion of the IRS and his weaponization of the administrative state and the FBI against the American people. No reasonably intelligent person could look at Biden hiring 87,000 new IRS agents and think, “Oh, yeah, that’s probably fine. Nothing to worry about there!”

But the thing that is so galling about it is that the new police state that Biden is trying to set up will only target those of us on the right. Do you realize how many Democrats in Congress owe back taxes because they haven’t paid the IRS? (Spoiler: Nearly all of them.)

Biden isn’t cracking down on Antifa or Black Lives Matter, because those terrorist groups are on the Democrat Party’s side. He is cracking down on Trump supporters. Period. Look at all the January 6ers who are still imprisoned and in solitary confinement a year-and-a-half later. 

A lot of people are going to be doing exactly what this meme suggests, to try to keep the Biden regime from noticing them. Let’s all paint rainbows and BLM signs on our houses and pray they pass over us.

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16 thoughts on “Everyone Knows Joe Biden is Weaponizing Government Against Us”

  1. That’s because he knows the American people are going to get fed up with his bullshit and we’re going to arm ourselves and we’re going to walk on Washington but he can’t put together enough pencil pushers to fight several million people he knows we’re going to hang him in the front yard of the White House as a treasonous and a communist along with all his cronies who are also guilty of the same infractions the best thing they can do is pack their bags and run for Venezuela Cuba where they’ll be at home and the socialist countries that they want to live in but they will not get away with it here we will rise up if they want a civil war it’s coming and they’re not going to like it because they’re going to be lying on the battlefield

    1. I believe a resistance will start when the IRS begins using armed force against us in our homes. These 87,000 new agents better understand that most Americans will push back with the same armed force. I just hope they all have their life insurance policies paid up and grave sites secured.

  2. He, senile as needed Biden knows he is going to jail when his one and only term is over, if he makes it that long. Is doing evening his low life handlers are telling him to do, Obama, rice, Ron clain, and whoever they have hidden in the White House. It’s time to arrest every last one of them, and there guilty untill proven innocent of treason, sedition, and crimes against the people. They are not above the law.

    1. Well said; I look forward to the day.when they are put in the same cells J6 are in, some of our work is done. The J6 will be liberated and we’ll set about rebuilding our country.

  3. Well those ” stormtroopers” better be careful cuz some of the citizens might be willing to use deadly force back.

  4. If Biden and the Democrat Party can weaponize against President Donald J Trump the way they have, USA Citizens Don’t stand a chance. After Russia, Russia, Russia Collusion by the DOJ, FBI, Hillary Clinton and the entire Democrat Party, how can anything they do be believed as TRUTHFUL? They aren’t only THE SWAMP, they are a Criminal Enterprise like no other before. America you’re in big trouble. The Marxist are taking down our Nation. God help us.

    1. We need God’s help, but we’ll have to help ourselves, too. No matter how many accountants he arms, there will be way more of us. Not for the faint-hearted, but necessary for the U.S. to continue as a free, communist-free country.

  5. Don’t know the answer to our Nation’s problems; what I do know is we can’t stay on the present course and survive. If Republicans don’t prevail in midterms I am afraid all is loss.

  6. There are 20 million veterans of all ages. There are 80 to 100 million gun owners in possession if over 400 million firearms and well over a trillion rounds of ammo. When word gets out that teams of Bidens Gestapo are canvassing neighborhoods, it’s going to be on. I don’t want another civil war. But it seems they do. Because it’s the Biden administration and the Democrats who have suppressed free speech, still want to get rid of the 2nd amendment, have no problem violating the 4th, 5th, and others. A Harvard professor and a Yale professor want the constitution gone. This us what it has come to. Never thought I would see it.

    1. I guess we will have to do what is necessary in order to restore the Constitutional Republic. Even it mean armed resistance against the Marxists/Communists that have taken over our country under the label “Democrats”.

  7. the citizens will unite
    all races will agree and be against the government
    for the government is screwing all races
    this will also include the military for many will not go against
    their brothers and they are getting screwed by the government

    1. I’ve wondered what response to expect from the military. They know what’s going on here, and hopefully the ‘Woke’ agenda hasn’t brainwashed them into forgetting it’s their country too.

  8. “A Nation that prefers disgrace to danger is prepped for a Master and deserves one” Alexander Hamilton.. We as a people must defend and fight if necessary to maintain our Liberties and that which we love. Or it can and will be taken by Tyrants. Freedom has never been Free to procure and maintain. It comes at a terrible cost by a few so that the rest can live in relative prosperity and peace. Our rights and security have been gradually taken away for years now by elites running billion dollars corporations and the greedy self serving politicians that cater to those special interests. The evil influence goes well outside of our Nation. Stay contingently prepared and armed. If it comes to a fight, know who your real enemies are. Defend yours but understand our own domestic advisory’s are depending on major fractional division amongst ourselves. “A smart enemy will hit you were you feel the safest” , right here at home. Get informed and know your enemies in advance. Unite together the best you can and strike them hard and brutally. Our future as a Country depends on it. Our children, grandchildren and future descendents are dependent on what We do. We have the upper hand if we want to play it. Always have! God Bless America. Semper Fi

    1. Well said! It seems we’ll have to salvage and draw upon the revolutionary fervor of our former Patriots from the 1700’s. They didn’t stand up against the British for freedom, for us to let the country be taken from us from within by Socialists. We owe them, our future generations, and America, to do what’s necessary to prevent the ruin of the country they founded, fought for and died for. We all have something to lose by engaging in a conflict of the sort we face, However, nothing we hold dear is safe; look at what’s happened in a short 1-1/2 years: the economy and energy sectors in ruins, food supply threatened, border opened to criminals and terrorists as well as the resurgence of diseases we haven’t seen for years. Blue cities in blue states seeing a crime wave unexperienced since the 30’s, and Soros-appointed judges refusing to prosecute. The J6 people lmprisoned for a year and a half with no constitutionally required due process, in solitary confinement. Does anyone even know under what conditions, or deprivation?

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