Chances are our readers are going to have done something to prepare for the food shortages and inflation that are not rearing their predictable heads. Right now, tumbleweeds are blowing through the meat section of your local supermarket.

Some days there are eggs, and some days not. You’re lucky if you find the whole milk you need, and in case you’re totally oblivious, you’ve noticed that a trip to the grocery store will cost you about 30% more than it normally does.

Back when Sniffy Joe was campaigning, his rallies looked about the same, tumbleweeds. Then, after the election, we were meant to believe that more people voted for Biden than voted for Obama in 2008. That is an especially fruity flavor of madness.

Nope, the bobbing heads of CNN watchers didn’t see it then, and they don’t see it now. Maybe it’s a form of ideological snow blindness, too much light, too much truth all at once and the frontal cortex just shuts down.

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16 thoughts on “EMPTY SHELVES and EMPTY HEADS”

  1. The (fraud) government is the root cause for all the problems we now are facing.
    It is because of their GREED and want of TOTAL CONTROL that they WILL NOT do
    anything but destroy this country. They have made it impossible for businesses to
    function by fear of the disease scare and failure to produce any FACTS that deem
    their actions. Their so “infrastructure” bill is nothing but a coverup for their PET
    programs not because they are concerned about the people and their lives and
    safety. It’s about “paying” off the people who have given them exorbitant “contributions”
    to their election process. This is all about FAT MONEY, not the people.

    1. Build Back Better is indeed a crock! It’s about payoffs to all the right people to keep them in office! I came across one item the other day! It’s called the Civilian Climate Corporation! They want to spend billions to hire up to 300,000 people to work in climate related matters! I don’t know if they will be considered federal unionized employees! Another way to garner votes and grow government! I wish there was a website that could put up one or two items a day that are in Build Back Better in a short manner easy for everyone to understand! I did see something the other day that said only 10 to 15 per cent of BBB deals with roads and bridges! I’m sure a lot of that will end up in the hands of the democratic cities that they have run into the round for years!

      1. I’ll take Trump’s MAGA over creepy Joe’s Build Back Better anyway. Trump was still a Better President than Joe or Obummer put together

  2. Understand that no of these terrible events could have ever happened if we had a truth telling media. The truth should always be made known regardless of who’s side it helps or hurts !!! Let the American people come to their own conclusions with a truth giving media !!! We are a nation who has truly become Godless !!!!!!!!!!!

    1. American Voters want the TRUTH, and WE will decide ourselves. Tired of the FEDs think they know better than we do. We have our lives at stake, all they have is some job or kick-back they might lose.

    2. I thought that years ago there was a law passed that was to guarantee truth in the media. I thought it was called Truth in the media law. what happened to it/ Nobody seems to care about that law. It was intended to stop what is going on now! why is it not being enforced?

  3. In my opinion if the Supreme Court had done what was right and voted about all the FRAUD, and finding no fault with the election, this would all be over and Donald Trump would still be our President. So lay it on the shoulders of the Supreme Court.

    1. You are 100% correct! We can see that no good deed goes unpunished by appointing and even defending “conservative” judges to SCOTUS. They are like everybody else in today’s America and they don’t want to be attacked and cancelled by the Left! Trump was the only one fighting for us in the last 2 decades and we are forever grateful to him but his time has come and gone. Let some other fighter take on the fight! We just need to get back the Congress and Senate this year so we can survive the next 3 years!!

  4. It isn’t just the fault of the Supreme Court who didn’t look into the fraudulent election. The problem is the states that allowed their Secretary of State do the job of their state Congresses. The State Congress were suppose to decide the electors being sent to US Congress to decide who was elected. Only the State Congresses are eligible to do that job by the US Constitution, no one else. This didn’t happen in several states. The next thing is the Vice President excepted the electoral college when he knew this was happening. Talk about how many people were bought and paid for during the 2020 election. The next thing is the digital equipment that was connected to the internet while voting was taking place and during the counting efforts. The number of locations that did not allow the correct oversight in the counting processes. How even when they showed video of cheating going on and disregarding it, saying it didn’t happen. All these things added together made for the most corrupt and invalid election to ever happen in our country.

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