Who Knew the January 6 Hearings Would Become This Hilarious?

The Trump-hating gold-digger Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony before Liz Cheney’s January 6 Committee has been nothing short of pure comedy. It’s kind of amazing to see Trump’s enemies melt down the way they do, every single time some lunatic woman with an obviously fake story shows up. 

Sitting members of Congress actually sat there and nodded their heads and seemed truly amazed at Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony. Every normal person who watched the hearing, on the other hand, immediately recognized that this was a person who lacked what they like to call “credibility.”

Hutchinson’s lies were so outlandish that she earned herself an “I guess it’s pretty serious” meme! It’s been years since we’ve seen one of these, so kudos to the person who dragged this image out and blew the dust off it.

For those who don’t recognize the screen grab, it’s from the legendary Gen-X comedy ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’ and the actress is a very young Christy Swanson. The character Simone’s explanation for why Ferris was AWOL from class was about as credible as Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony, so there you go.

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22 thoughts on “Who Knew the January 6 Hearings Would Become This Hilarious?”

  1. Cassidy Hutchinson earned herself the biggest liar on Capitol Hill award and that really says a lot. And watching Lizzie salivate over her was disgusting. Liz should investigate her crooked father who enriched himself over the Iraq war he got us into at a price of millions of American lives and billions in treasure. Shame on the Cheneys.

    1. Believe it! Hutchinson is now going to be looking over her shoulder everyday! I say it again, the Iraq War was a MISTAKE! Just Bush Jr. Taking out Sadden for his father! When the WAR SHOULD HAD BEEN SAUDI ARABIA! That where THOSE TERRORISTS CAME FROM DURING 911! But due to buying oil from them democrats made them out limit for war!

    2. We did NOT lose “millions of American lives” in Iraq. Not even close. Not that I’m a supporter of Cheney (either one) but facts are facts and we shouldn’t embellish them.

    3. Yea she even beats Ballsy Ford at the Kavanaugh hearings or Hitlery on her Benghazi testimony

    4. Yeah liz u and cassie go and see how many more lies that u can get her to make up. U can’t tell me that these people aren’t getting paid to tell these lies. Dems would take it this far. They are determined to do everything they can to see that PRESIDENT TRUMP doesn’t GET BACK IN. WELL SORRY DEMS. U ALL ARE IN FOR A SURPRISE. WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE BROUGHT BACK UP ABOUT THE FEDS KNOWING THAT THERE WAS GOING TO BE A RIOT? WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT STORY? IT WAS TRUE, THEY HAD PROFF. ALL REP AND THE BIGGEST MAJORITY OF DEMS KNOW THAT THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. biden KNOWS it. He KNOWS PRESIDENT TRUMP will get back in and that’s why he’s making a mess of things so PRESIDENT TRUMP will have to FIX everything and HE WILL. BECAUSE GOD AND HIM ARE THE ONLY HOPE WE HAVE. I HAVE MY RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH. PEOPLE KNOW WHAT I HAVE SAID IS THE TRUTH, THEY ARE AFRAID TO SAY IT.

  2. If none of these idiots weren’t criminals before they damn sure are now. But I really have a hard time believing them anyway. The seriousness of their attack on a political rival is an obvious admission to guilt of some kind of wrong doing in their past. Which President Trump was willing to forgive and just move forward to getting the country back on a positive track to move forward and show the world we could move forward after Obama. But NO not these morons. They want to throw in the towel and give up the country and everything we’ve been threw over the last two centuries to become the greatest country in the world. Sure, there still remains room for improvement, but all the Democrats have shown is a sure path to destruction. I think they’re the biggest problem this country faces right now if we’re ever going to get on track again. Seems everything they accuse conservatives of doing is exactly what they’ve been doing them damn selves and Now America knows it.And to keep up the facade is just making them all treasonous at this point. AND AMERICA KNOWS IT, STUPID PEOPLE! Give it up already your all going down. God bless America in whatever religion you want to say it in.

    1. Bernard they all were CRIMINALS after they took office! You can wonder how they claim they were in debts after their campaign trails. But in two years a MILLIONAIRE! They have set up a system to rob the people of everything! But none ever balance the budget! Term limit is needed badly! No politicians over 70 should be allowed to serve without a COGNITIVE TEST!

  3. I just watched a few minutes of it and I knew she was full of it. To me it was a repeat of what that dumb B put Brent Kavanaugh through. It was just so phony.
    Now I want to know what will happen to those lying under oath which I thought is a crime.

  4. Lying under oath is a crime, but as she is protected by democrats no charges. Or maybe they will throw her under the bus if possible without getting charged themselves. When some people are overridden by obsession, common sense flys out the window.

  5. I haven’t wasted my time on viewing it at all, it’s just a bunch of liars anyhow. I won’t allow the demoncrats to insult my intelligence!

  6. As soon as Nancy Pelosi was deemed “Off Limits” and would not be questioned you knew it was a complete sham. Now we see Barack Obama – Maxine Waters – Liz Warren and AOC inciting rioters to take to the streets and attack conservatives. We see the afore mentioned POS – Nancy Pelosi openly calling for insurrection – what they ARE doiing right now is far worse than ANYTHING that Trump may or may not have done. They even had to bring in a paid witness who turned out to be a complete LIAR with no credibility. It is way past time for this shit show to come to an end.These Democrats must be held accountable for their actions.


  7. As far as we the TAXPAYERS see it. ALL POLITICIANS INVOLVED SHOULD PAY THE BILLS! Since we are your BOSS! And we disagree with you on this crazy stuff! You still have NOT EARN YOUR SALARY! 4 YEARS AND STILL REFUSES TO DO YOUR JOBS!

  8. Keep in mind that the libtards are very enlightened and progressive. Even if they lie they know it’s for the benefit of the country and for your safety. No other man such as Trump has caused such consternation to these individuals he’s out of office & yet they can’t let it go because they know he has been holding America together while the perverts and degenerates are now in charge. Look at president dopey’s administration filled with unusual and disgusting individuals running it and we are to believe that they’re doing a good job for us?
    Within a year and a half the president has managed to destroy this country economically and he thinks we’re buying the Putin excuse or the Trump excuse no it’s impossible,he said he would get rid of fossil fuels but he wasn’t thinking clearly and he didn’t know the ramifications.
    The only good thing about Biden being president is that this had to be shown to the nation what actually happens when you put liberal non-thinkers in charge. If you don’t understand now then we probably are destined to be destroyed. The only good thing is I can’t believe Putin & Xi Jing Ping have not taken over their respective areas knowing that we have a man with dementia in charge and incapable underlings helping him out. The international store is open and maybe it is God that’s keeping them in check.
    Also concerning the president’s concern over gun control I find it fascinating he rearmed the Taliban with his failed Afghanistan policy. Who doesn’t see that this guy is a catastrophe and only Jimmy Carter is happy knowing that there’s no way he will ever be the worst president now not with President Biden in charge.
    Insurrection? While Maxine Waters and that crazy Lightfoot woman are screaming & yelling for violence. My apologies though for calling them women because I’m not a biologist.

  9. The tragedy here is that it’s going to cost the taxpayers millions, only to make clear that this, like the other attempts to make the former president look bad, that this is quite probably on a par with the Russian collusion hoax. What a comedy show. Democrats, and of course the two infamous RINO’s actually think this is their ticket to see Trump’s downfall…rather sad actually.

  10. what a sham our administration is turning out to be. The only problem is WE the taxpayers are paying for it!
    Wasn’t 10 million enough to have wasted on the Muller investigation- which turned the Russian Hoax into the taxpayers’ pocketbook tragedy. How much more waste do we need while the recession (no longer an inflation) is
    making America poorer and porer.

    Did anyone hear where the oil reserves which the “President’ opened up were sent? Read about it and you will be angrier than ever- while this gentle man is willing to lower the gasoline bill by 18 cents a gallon- and while he is blaming the oil companies foer the rise in gasoline and general energy prices.
    Blame Trump
    Blame Russia
    Blame the Oil companies.
    What we need to do to send this mindless man is a Mirror- and a tape of what he did on his first day in office!
    Not that he will care- while he enriches himself daily with Ukraine connections and China connections.
    Our administration is so corrupt- it makes Tammany Hall look like innocent play.
    How about we keep the slogan of BBB- Better Blame Biden!

    Can our beautiful country survive with these lunatics for another two and a half years!


  11. We all know that the”j6″ hearings are the biggest joke and miscarrage of justice of the last 100 years. What better way to show the public and the committee this than to have the committee accept hearsay testimony let alone an unbelievable.lie.

  12. Biden is an idiot,and Obama thinks that the country doesn’t know he is behind all this. The American people need to totally rid themselves of the Democrat party, and find a new party that has some common sense. The democrats are all out to destroy our beautiful country. That is with the exception of Joe M.

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