Here it is, ladies and gentlemen — the perfect spot for former Vice President Joe Biden’s next campaign stop.
If you haven’t seen Biden speak, don’t worry — you’re not missing much. We’ve taken the liberty to watch some of his speeches so that you don’t have to, and for that we honestly don’t think we’re being paid enough. You could easily montage anything the man has said over the past 30 years, and it wouldn’t seem out of place. After all, the man does have a bit of trouble writing his own material.
The former Vice President is in a tough position, to be sure. He isn’t the firebrand the Democratic Party’s far-left base wants, so he occassionally has to pay homage to rivals like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. However, he also isn’t the smooth-talking beacon of charisma you would expect a legacy party member to be. As much as he tries to convince us otherwise, he isn’t Barack Obama…
So, what’s next for Joe Biden? We’re not quite sure. One thing is certain, however: the Democratic primary debates are going to be hilarious.
~ Facts Not Memes