Okay, we’ll admit it: we’re still not over the fact that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — the Prince of Wokeness — was caught donning blackface at some point in his life. The fact that the man was in his late twenties — not exactly a child — just makes it even better.
But, the story became even more delicious when it was uncovered that he didn’t just do this once. Or even twice. Or even three times. In fact, the prime minister can’t even tell you how many times he threw blackface on for a party. It would seem like this was sort of a hobby of his — not surprising given his montage of cultural appropriation since entering politics.
Wait, is cultural appropriation still bad? Or, is avoiding a culture worse because you’re not giving it enough credit? We forgot where the woke people stand on this, so we’ll just move on…
Since we’re based in the United States, we haven’t had to live with Trudeau’s policies. So, the only thing we’ve gotten from him was a walking meme — which helps us out here for obvious reasons.
On that, we can honestly say that we hope the election goes well. He’ll need it.