President Donald Trump has been repeatedly referred to as a “bully” for the language he typically uses when referring to the mainstream press, particularly outlets known to be highly critical of him.
However, it can easily be argued that this label is completely backwards when you consider that almost every outlet marches lock-step with one another when reporting negatively about the president. By this token, wouldn’t each of these outlets be more accurately labelled as the “bullies”?
To be fair, media outlets gang up on just about every high-profile Republican. They did the same thing when George W. Bush was in office, and likely would have given Ronald Reagan the same treatment if more 24-hour outlets were available at the time. Trump, however, sets himself apart from his predecessors by fighting back.
It’s definitely true that President Trump is far more crude then what we’re used to seeing from any politician — especially the Commander-in-Chief. But, considering he’s been able to keep himself in power despite constant negative coverage, perhaps his approach should be replicated by future presidents.
~ Facts Not Memes