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Trump Jr. Has a GENIUS Idea, Instagram Explodes

Apparently, dropping bombs on the internet runs in the family…

In the midst of the political circus that is Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation process, President Donald Trump’s son had a stroke of genius on social media, and penned a post that perfectly exposed the double standard on how the left approaches high-level government investigations.

Kavanaugh is currently undergoing his seventh FBI investigation after Democratic senators successfully convinced weak-willed Republicans to stall the confirmation process even further than they already have. During this process, meaningless facts about the judge’s youth have come to light — such as the fact that he did indeed drink beer in college (try to contain your shock).

As Trump Jr. suggested with this post published on his Instagram account, this might be the perfect way to finally investigate Hillary Clinton, and uncover the truth behind some of her more questionable behaviors when she served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State.

Is this actually going to happen? Probably not. What seems more likely at this point is that a nomination by President Trump would just convince the Democrats that Clinton has actually been a Nazi operative her entire life.

~ Facts Not Memes

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