Biden’s Worst Secret Finally Gets Revealed

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), the top Republican on the House Investigative Committee, highlighted what he called “influence peddling” by Pres. Joe Biden’s family with America’s foes on FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures” this week.

These actions, according to Comer, were a threat to US national security.

“We’re looking at Joe Biden because we feel the family’s influence peddling poses a national security danger,” Comer explained. “When it comes to national security, and when you examine the evidence on the laptop, energy policy becomes national security.” And the most alarming aspect of the commercial agreement in which the Biden family was involved was assisting China in getting a foot inside the door of the American energy sector.”

“So, part of what Joe Biden was going to be engaged in was attempting to help China acquire drillers within the natural gas industry,” he went on. “People are horrified by China’s purchase of farmland throughout the Dakotas. Consider China investing in our American energy business with the support of the Bidens. And then you look at all of the ridiculous energy policies pouring out of the Biden admin. that is affecting every American negatively, and you wonder whether he is compromised.”

Author: Blake Ambrose

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18 thoughts on “Biden’s Worst Secret Finally Gets Revealed”

  1. Democrats will never hold other democrats accountable for criminal conduct. They are all blind to it. But let a Republican j-walk and its a scandal.

  2. Wonder? How about blatant. Those awake see it (and more). Mr Comer sounds soft, where so many others in DC are clearly true treasonous players who require prison or worse for what they supported and participated in, and that includes the media, especially MSNBC at the top of the propaganda/communist rhetoric spewed like vomit. Besides Biden, how about Clinton, Obama, Bush, Chaney, Pelosi. All our money allocated to and through them and countless other Rinos & Dems who supported and paved the way to destroy our Country, not just the demented criminal playing president and his son.

    1. Good points, but bla, bla, bla! If we the people can see the treasonous acts of U.S. politicians, who is doing anything to stop them? If we say anything against the Democrats, they come after our savings, and more. Get those criminals out of power over our lives! Congressmen are supposed to be doing what is right for us citizens. They should not be allowed to line their own pockets from Special Interest Lobbyists!

    2. And nobody does anything, and WHY do these people keep getting voted in constantly. There should never be career politicians and there definitely should be TERM LIMITS for all, also they should have to have the same insurance as we have. So sick of their entitled POS’s in Washington and these democrats are NOT the democrats of my fathers time, when the were for the people, they do not exist anymore.

      1. They get voted in.over & over because of their ability to manipulate the voting system. Guess it’s called buying the votes..

  3. So? Why should anyone be surprised? Drunkin Uncle Joe is already “well known” to be a prolific lier. Just give the worthless peckerhead a little more rope and the United States will have its name changed and will soon be known as “Joe’s Place”. That’s because Joe is “The Greatest” Just ask him.

  4. I’m in complete agreement with the assessment of this article. The Democrats are completely and totally corrupt. I will never again trust them even if it leads to the dismemberment of this country. I trust them as much as I do the leaders of our countries worst enemies!

    1. Prosecuted, and ” hung by the neck until dead” that is the penalty FOR TREASON IN THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!

      1. HUNG by the NECK until DEAD?
        How about a FASTER way- How about a QUICK bullet in the HEAD!
        Hey… That Rhimes!
        (OOPS…Shouldn’t have said ANY of this. I am now going to get a visit from Christopher Wray ! Oh Well, I’ll be waiting for them with an AK-47 on FAST FIRE!)

  5. Prosecuted, and ” hung by the neck until dead” that is the penalty FOR TREASON IN THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!

    1. Since they want more electricity usage. Then, let’s use it!!
      Anyone dat comments treason here in AMERICA, has NO RIGHT to anything!! Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Fauci, Clinton’s, Obama, Gates, Zuckerberg, Soros and any others I didn’t put down!!
      How about give them a BOOT in da *** out of AMERICA never to ever come back in

  6. The Democrats are also hard to get out of office because not enough conservatives ( republicans, independents, citizens, etc.) care enough to vote them out of office. It’s too much trouble for many people to get off their couches or get their butts out to vote, or learn about the candidates so as to vote for those who will represent the constituency honestly and for the good of the country! I also blame the media for not publicly and continuously exposing corruption in the candidates.

    1. U can’t blame AMERICAN PEOPLE for not getting out to vote!! Almost everyone did!! It just happened to b
      da same thing as in other election and many more to come!! Da voting has to change, so NO ONE would b able to change da votes, and extra votes ect. ect!!
      AMERICAN CITIZENS have to know dat their vote counts!! With da GOVERNMENT we have right now, r votes get lost!! Can’t prove it till about a yr. yr in a half late!!!
      Look at Arizona right now!! Hobbs shouldn’t have been able to run!! She’s in charge of voting system, or something like dat!! She didn’t order enough and different ballots!! People had to go to other voting poles!! TOTAL MESS – UP!! WHY???
      Just hope on January 3rd, wheels will b oiled and ready to go!! Heads up!!
      Things will b rolling!! Watch out

  7. How so many American institutions and citizens can vote for candidates who have demonstrated their corruption is beyond me! Those who support candidates for their political party over the welfare of the United States of Anerica should be ashamed of themselves, but it seems that democrats, republicans, and independents know no shame when they choose party loyalty, personal gain, or laziness over the welfare of this country.

    1. U asked a very good question!! How can people vote for them?? Look at ARIZONA!! Something totally went wrong!! ARIZONA PEOPLE hate what’s happening there at da border!! Now, tell AMERICA how Hobbs won? She’s for open border!!
      She never did a debate with Kari Lake!! Hobbs never did anything for da ARIZONA PEOPLE!! JUST HERSELF
      NO WAY!! Da D.C swamp flowed right down to ARIZONA!!
      THERE’S way to much corruption in this GOVERNMENT!!
      REPUBLICANS hopefully will b doing a great job sweeping out da GOVERNMENT, starting on January 3rd

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