Do you remember a time when the internet felt like a much more friendly place?
Well, we can’t, but that’s only because our entire lives revolve around it. For everyone else, however, a simple Facebook share from the wrong news source can result in a user being mobbed by triggered mutuals.
The most obvious targets of this harassment have been right-wing content creators. Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Candace Owens, and many others have all either had their social media accounts suspended or permanently banned as a result of mass flagging campaigns by left-wing activists online. It isn’t enough to simply make a counter-argument. Our voices have to be silenced, because of the very real harm conservative opinions have on their sensibilities.
Sadly, this online behavior isn’t restricted to people with blue check marks next to their names on Twitter. Social media users have been encouraged by some in the media to simply cut off all relations with people who may even have slightly right-wing opinions. This ostracism has reinforced the bubble many on the left live in, making conservative opinions seem that much more alien in nature.
This is not how a civil society is supposed to function. If the two sides can’t even communicate, there isn’t much hope left for unity in our republic.
~ Facts Not Memes