Wow. Just… wow.
It looks like the four people seated around the table with Joe Biden are the only real rally attendees in this meme. Every other person in the surrounding area is a member of the media.
Look at the positioning of the photographers and videographers. This is the media trying to manipulate the shot, so it looks like there are actually a few more people around Biden. And did you see this image anywhere on the news? Of course not!
This was, in fact, one of the first “events” that Joe Biden emerged from his basement to hold. Four people. He drew a crowd of… four… people. (Unless the four individuals were actually planted there by the campaign, which is a possibility.)
And the text on the meme is devastating. President Trump had an audience of one million people try to sign up to attend his first post-coronavirus rally in Tulsa. And the mainstream media keeps reporting every single day that Joe Biden is 13 or more points ahead of Trump – and gaining steam!