When President Donald Trump issued a tweet firestorm suggesting that the freshmen congresswomen known as “The Squad” take their far-left ideas back to “where they came from,” just about every public personality condemned the statements. This included many people on the conservative side. And we understand why — it was really hard to defend this.
But something incredible happened in the days and weeks that followed. With Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez once again burying the hatchet, the entire Democratic Party formed a defensive line around its most radical members. This, in effect, forced the Democratic Party establishment to defend the outrageous ideas put forward by these members — ideas the American people have made very clear that they don’t like.
Now, the American people no longer see AOC, Ilham Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley as being on a different team than Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. They’re all one — thanks to Trump’s Twitter tirade.
Of course, we don’t really know if President Trump did this on purpose. It could have very well been an average day for the president where he decides to yell at someone on the internet that he doesn’t like. But that doesn’t matter at this point, because he still found a way to force the Democrats to embrace the worst part about themselves.