Lawyers have had their offices raided. Political advisers have defected. A porn star is doing everything she can to stay relevant. Alas — President Donald Trump still sits in the White House.
After wasting millions of dollars in taxpayer money on a pointless investigation, Special Counsel Robert Mueller still can’t find any evidence that Trump colluded with the Russian government to defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Despite this, Mueller is still celebrated as a hero by Democrats in the age of Trump, and all their hopes still seem to hang on him. It almost makes sense, seeing as there seems to be no realistic contenders on their part to challenge the president’s re-election bid.
This all comes down to the fact that Democrats still can’t get over the fact that one of the most experienced politicians in history was defeated by a foul-mouthed reality TV star who had never run for office before.
At some human level, we can almost sympathize with their trauma — it’s not everyday when your entire worldview falls apart and you’re faced with the devastating reality that you’re wildly out of touch with the rest of humanity.
~ Facts Not Memes