President Donald Trump is so far ahead of Joe Biden in every demographic in internal polling that there is only one remaining way for the Democrats to win in November: Cheating!
The latest election predictions have Donald Trump winning reelection in a landslide on Election Day – only to have Joe Biden “win” several days later after the Democrats find more ballots. It will be like Al Franken’s US Senate victory years ago, but on a national scale.
Franken – the failed Saturday Night Live “comedian” – lost on election night. But then Democrat poll workers kept “finding” boxes of ballots until Franken mysteriously won the race. Thankfully for America, Franken’s grabby, hands-on approach with the ladies got him booted from Congress a few years later.
This meme is pretty much a play on the “Franken Strategy” that the Democrats hope to employ this November, thanks to their insane push for fraudulent mail-in voting. They know that if you release your ballot into the hands of the US Postal Service (the postal unions have endorsed Biden), then Joe Biden’s victory is assured.
The lesson: Don’t trust your ballot to America’s enemies.