If you have a child or grandchild enrolled in a very expensive private university, and are concerned about their future employment — fear not: we have you covered.
Over the past decade, a nasty rumor has spread among the universities that students who major in things like gender studies or something similar have no job prospects after they leave the utopian lifestyle that is college living. This is nonsense — there are plenty of jobs available for people who have no marketable skills whatsoever.
Unfortunately, they are all jobs that they would hate. They would involve servicing others, cleaning, and showing up on time. It’s truly a nightmare. But, these students put a lot of work into getting degrees which have no economic value, so we can expect them to be hardened from this experience already.
So, remember: the next time you hear someone complain that there aren’t enough women in the math and sciences, remind them that there are far more important fields of study. Just ignore the fact that they will be replaced by robots in the next five years.