It feels like Christmas Eve is approaching, doesn’t it? We’re filled with anticipation around the office here as the big day approaches. Americans are about to learn which excuse Joe Biden will use to duck out of the debates with President Trump!
The first debate is “scheduled” for September 29, but as we all know, there’s no possible way that’s going to happen. There is no scenario in which Joe Biden is going to walk into a 90-minute debate – on camera and with no teleprompter – to try to debate Donald Trump. No. Possible. Scenario.
Hidin’ Biden hasn’t had a campaign event with more than 100 people in attendance since last March. He hasn’t held an actual press conference where he answers unscripted questions since before that.
At every Biden campaign event, reporters are forced to sit in little shame circles marked on the ground and are prohibited from asking Joe any questions. And he’s not going to get any tough questions, either. Any reporter who causes Biden to melt down due to a tough question knows that his or her career would be over.
Anyway, the clock is ticking. What do you think Biden’s excuse will be when he dodges the debates?