Perhaps the biggest lie to come out of the American left is the premise that they are “anti-gun”, and wish to purge firearms from every facet of society.
The truth is that guns have uses far beyond the individual need for self-defense. In addition to arming soldiers for military operations, guns are also used to protect various other layers of society — including those liberals hold near and dear.
Public buildings, for example, are often defended by armed guards. This includes the halls of Congress. Hollywood celebrities, we might add, many of the same individuals who regurgitate the left’s narrative to score easy likes on social media, are often defended by private guards with guns.
If the liberal fantasy of an outright gun ban is enacted in the United States, liberals would need a lot of guns to actually enforce it. If an individual refuses to give up his guns — what then?
There is no such thing as being “anti-gun” — but there is a debate on who should be allowed to keep them.
~ Facts Not Memes