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How The CIA Controlled The Covid-19 Narrative

Another big story that came out this week is that House agents say Dr. Anthony Fauci influenced the CIA’s investigation into COVID-19’s origins.

The newly disclosed letter, addressed to the inspector general of the Department of HHS, claims that Fauci was discreetly brought to CIA headquarters to take part in the agency’s analysis with the intention of “influencing” the result.

Although it’s not clear from the letter what proof House investigators have found that Fauci is working secretly for the CIA, there is a request to talk to a particular agent at the end. That makes me think that someone may have given them the information.

The roots of COVID-19 have been downplayed by Fauci for a long time in order to protect China. He was still pushing the “natural origin” idea in March of this year, even though many government intelligence reports have shown that it is not true. There is a lot of proof to support the “lab leak” idea, which many people now think is much more likely.

It’s possible that Fauci will have to appear in front of Congress at some point. It’s strange that Republicans haven’t brought him up since they took power in January. The most recent discoveries might be a good place to start.

Author: Scott Dowdy

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7 thoughts on “How The CIA Controlled The Covid-19 Narrative”

  1. Dr Fauci shouldn’t be allowed to continue his lying streak concerning the coronavirus and the vaccines because the coronavirus is nothing more than the flu virus increased in intensity and the vaccine is killing innocent people all around the world he belongs in prison

    1. Along with Obama and Soros. Go back and look at Soris’ relationship with a cult called SUBUD. You will also see that Obama’s mother was a member as was Loretta Fuddy who certified Obama’s birth certificate

  2. AIDS and all the other diseases were all man made to try to cut down the population of people in the world

  3. He violated the Nurenberg code and because of that, he is responsible for the deaths of millions of people who were given a useless vaccine for nothing more than a bad cold. CV 19 was never dangerous. It was just another flu bug that went around like every other flu bug, but big pharma and doctors made tons of money when they called a death due to cv 19. It was a scam, but it was worse than that. It was an extermination of the human race and there are people who still believe this scam. Fauci should be tried at GITMO by court martial, found guilty of genecide of those who had comorbidities and would have otherwise may have lived.

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