In the immediate aftermath of this month’s midterm elections, the Democratic Party’s leaders were tweeting out a storm about all the “firsts”.
There was the first Native American woman elected to Congress (that wasn’t Elizabeth Warren), the first openly gay governor in Colorado, and so on. We’re not surprised by this, because this is kind of the Democratic Party’s schtick — place intersectionality above everything, and make supporters feel like they’ve been victimized by the other guy.
New York’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez didn’t score any “first” points when she won her election to the U.S. Congress, but that doesn’t mean her victory isn’t historic. For one, she’s a fully devoted “democratic socialist” in the same vein as Senator Bernie Sanders, and makes just as much logical sense as her political hero. That is to say she doesn’t make the least bit of sense at all.
Even CNN had trouble making her look intelligent when host Jake Tapper appeared visibly frustrated after asking her multiple times to explain how her platform would actually be paid for. Apparently, Ocasio-Cortez isn’t used to actually being challenged. And why would she be? When conservative commentator Ben Shapiro invited her to explain her positions, she played the “sexist!” card by saying she was being cat-called.
One thing is for sure: Ocasio-Cortez is going to be an endless supply of sound bites for Republicans to use in 2020.
~ Facts Not Memes