Biden Voters Starting to Realize Biden Just Raised Their Taxes

Here’s a meme utilizing one of those crazy white liberal wine ladies who voted for Joe Biden, as she screamed like a lunatic and then posted it on the internet for some reason. She was probably screaming about Roe v. Wade or something. 

Unfortunately for her, and every other dummy who voted for Joe Biden and who was dumb enough to think Biden actually got 81 million votes, Joe Biden did not just cancel her student loans. Instead, he raised her taxes. 

In fact, Biden just raised taxes on everyone in the middle class and the working class, by signing the Inflation Reduction Act (which won’t reduce inflation). Congratulations! If you make less than $400,000 a year, you just got a tax increase. If you make more than $400,000 a year, you can get a tax deduction of $7,500 for buying a stupid electric car under the law.

Billionaires are sitting around laughing right now and thanking dummies like the crazy gal in this meme. Because their taxes aren’t going up. And they know those 87,000 new IRS agents won’t be targeting them. They’ll be targeting the rest of us.

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15 thoughts on “Biden Voters Starting to Realize Biden Just Raised Their Taxes”

  1. Biden and his demonic, DemoRat/Leftist/Liberal ilk won’t be happy until the entire Middle Class is broke, homeless and living on the streets.
    The Middle Class won’t be happy until we see Biden and his demonic DemoRat/Leftist/Liberal ilk, dragged out of their homes/offices and sent to the guillotine. If they can ruin our lives, we can ruin theirs.

  2. And you stupid liberals thought Biden was on your side? Biden is a millionaire and will not tax the millionaires, in fact he gives them a tax break. Biden’s whole administration is made up of the wealthy. He seems to think that all you have to do is get solar panels and an EV. Never mind the middle class can’t afford them, just do it. EVs are not even technically safe yet, it seems the batteries catch fire once hot. And there is no EV big enough to transport any large orders for food, manufactured goods, like clothing, parts, medical supplies, that takes a diesel powered semi truck. It won’t affect the rich as they have private jets to get theirs and pollute the air too.

  3. Those of us who pay attention and take time to check out those politicians like Joe Biden knew his supporters were getting screwed. President Trump’s personality may upset some people but what he did for this country while the the democrats proceeded to try to destroy him should have told you he really was a God send. It doesn’t matter whether you are republican, democrat or independent, if you don’t take time to check out history and what’s happening in the present, you can live to regret it. Over his lifetime Biden has lied so much I don’t think he knows the truth. He doesn’t care about the citizens who have worked hard to have a decent life. He doesn’t care what happens to this country. He’s not smart enough to know what his actions have done. All he cares about is he finally got the title “President” which has been his dream. He is towards the end of his time here on earth so he doesn’t care what happens in the future. You may not like the person but if that person makes life better for you, then you should step back and take a good look at what they are doing to your life. Is it better or is it worse? This is a wakeup call so don’t just sit there. It’s time for true Americans to take back our country NOW!!!

  4. Time to VOTE and take back our country before it is too late. Don’t just sit on your hands and moan about what Biden has done to ruin the middle class while the rich untouchables laugh. Do something about it and replace him, his rich corrupt, and not necessarily capable, cronies that he has put in office and all the deranged people that latch onto this very liberal, progressive train, hoping to not be lumped with the common folk. DON’T COMPLAIN, VOTE THEM OUT….THEN PROSECUTE THEM!

  5. The biggest idiot in this country has the name of Joe Biden illegitimate president. He is only a puppet for the radicals and China and terrorist countries

  6. You really do have to wonder sometimes – where do these left wing loons think that the government gets money from? I’ll bet you go could go door to door and collect $50 each from them. Then come back a week or so later and “give” them a pint of cheap ice cream and they would be jumping for joy over the “Free” ice cream that they just got.I read in another report that students are now upset because – ex: If they get a $10,000 student loan “forgiven” – that $10,000 will be considered as income – and they may have to pay up to $600 in taxes on that income. I am poretty sure that most of us – who work for a living would say – Wha What? You will wipe out $10,000 of my debt for $600 – you will knock $10,000 off of what I owe on my car for $600? Where do I sign up?

  7. Now take a good look at Obamacare. When Obamacare was passed – businesses were given an option. They could continue to pay for their employees health insurance coverage – OR – they could pay a $1500 fine and switch those employees over to Obamacare. They sure didn’t need to have a lot of employees for that to become a no brainer did they? They transferred the cost of health insurance over to the taxpayers who subsidize Obamacare.

  8. Anyone one who listens to Brandon and believes a word he says has a mental disorder or they are to blind to the truth that the government can’t give away a single thing for free they have to take it from someone else first. This crap of 10,000.00 dollars forgiveness from college loans proves it. The people who think this is a good deal only care about themselves a?nd don’t care about the ones who have to work twice as hard to make ends meet who gets nothing from this but higher taxes. Civics and real history needs to be taught in the liberal indoctrination institutes instead of lies about socialism being better than a free nation of people.

    1. You can tell STUPID what to do.

      All of those who have been “dumbed down” over the years have become sheep. Now we have a bunch of the wealthiest of the wealthy . . . stripping away everything our parents, grand parents, great grandparents have given their life’s blood for. Keep ’em all stoned and stupid

      ever played Monopoly????

      1. Isn’t ” Joe Biden” a synonym for shitbag?
        Now he’s calling Republicans fascists and trying to induce violence! Our President is openly advocating an extremism never before seen in this country, he’s doubling down on it! But as usual, just about everything his administration claims about Republicans, is precisely what the Dems are actively pursuing! He is the head fascist in chief, trying his damndest to centralize government and rob us of our God given rights
        by forcing us into this “transition”, destroying the economy, the military, the energy sector etc. Hopefully, the rank and file Dems will wake up to see what a catastrophe this moron is, and help us wipe him and gangGreen from the face of the earth! Climate change is bullshit and thousands of scientists are coming to realize it!
        The green freaks having been making dire predictions for decades, and none of those predictions have come true! NONE!!

  9. biden supporters fall into two categories. the ones who are extremely rich don’t care whether their taxes are increased because they cannot count all their money as it is. the others are poor but too stupid to realize they’ve been had. i know people in each category. joe attempted to buy votes by releasing oil from the strategic reserve just in time to reduce gas prices his policies made unaffordable and then buying the votes of people with student loans. the next shock will be food prices over the next two months. they are about to skyrocket.

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