Another Major Biden Gaffe – Quick, Mind-Wipe the Media!

One of the most exciting jobs to have at the White House these days must be working on the Biden gaffe cleanup team. Every day is an exciting new adventure, as you get to walk back another Joe Biden statement or two.

These are the people who have to come up with lies to claim that Joe Biden didn’t say exactly what you heard him say. He meant something completely different from the precise statement that he made.

This week, for example, Joe Biden told a crowd in Massachusetts that Delaware gave him cancer. It would rain an oil slick onto the windshield of his car when he was growing up in Delaware, and it gave him cancer somehow. 

Some people noticed that in a speech that he gave earlier this year, Biden claimed that he had asthma because of the oil rain when he was growing up in Delaware. Either way, you probably don’t want to live in Joe Biden’s state because it’s so dangerous.

But then the Biden gaffe cleanup team claimed that Biden doesn’t actually have cancer. He was referring to an earlier skin cancer diagnosis that they forgot to tell everyone about during the 2020 election. Huh?

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25 thoughts on “Another Major Biden Gaffe – Quick, Mind-Wipe the Media!”

  1. If the people of America do not vote Republican in November America will be lost there will be no way we will recover from what those crazy ass Dems are doing to America. Lawless is all they know lie after lie. The only thing that they want is to make all the money back they losted when Trump won. Look at all the money that has been sent to Ukcrane over 800 billion plus and they keep asking for more. That’s okay I guess but are they really getting everything there asking from us. How do the american people know we don’t. It’s not going to stop unless we as american people stop it.

      1. Unfortunately, voting the Dumocrats out doesn’t mean much when they cheat on the counting.
        Get ready for the incompetent-in-chief to declare a health emergency due to monkey pox and make mail-in ballots the “only” safe way to vote.
        Defund the FBI and CIA

        1. I would hope there are enough intelligent people who know Monkey Pox is a disease among homosexuals. So, if you’re no sleeping with a homosexual, bisexual individual, you don’t to take the vaccine. Don’t let the fear-mongering, desperate Democrats tell you otherwise.

    1. It matters not! With people like Hillary Clinton in the Electoral college, the only chance to take our country back is to physically take it back! We need to physically remove all Democrats from Congress!

      1. Well said.
        Sadly the tree of liberty must taste the blood of Patriots from time to time or liberty will die

    2. It is inconceivable to me that any one who can read and write would vote for a democrat nominee. The demise of the USA would be irrevocable if we continue the present, or future, policies of the Democrats. The country is on the edge of destruction thanks to Bidens (or whoever is pilling the strings) suicidal policies. Wake up America, this is a serious threat to every thing we hold dear!

    3. I also remember Nancy Pelosi threatening to shut down the government because Trump was asking for 5 billion for our birder wall. Not one dollar she said! I detest our government!


  2. From what I’ve seen of the 2020 riots there are a lot of stupid and dangerous people in America.

  3. Bring back
    Public execution. That will make corrupt politicians think twice before scamming our country

    1. That’s a superb idea James. And while we’re at it, the Nat’l Guard with machine guns at the border would be a great idea too. Time to close the border Inept, Braindead Faux president Joe the Sniffin Pedo. Where besides NYC & DC are these people going to?!! Doesn’t matter does it, the Biden Abomination could care less really, but if they show up in my neighborhoods, what ARE we supposed to do?!! I’m not there, but I can’t imagine what McAllen, TX must look like today!!! For everybody affected negatively by this crap….. I’m so sorry that this POS leader and unifier has done this to you

  4. We don’t pay attention to Biden anymore! He is a proven Liar and he has lied his Way through almost 50 years in Government. The man has no Integrity whatsoever!

  5. A big part of the reason that Trump was hated was simply because he couldn’t b bought…when Obama became president he was not a rich man…hmm..same for so many of the dems…illegal backroom deals…Trump did not need their money…give me a businessman any day, instead of a politician

    1. Obama was the Manchurian Candidate! He warned us about who he was and what his plans were when he stated “we’re just 5 days away from fundamentally changing the United States of America” That’s all I had to hear to vote Republican. They may not be as good as we’d like then to be, but I don’t think they’re traitors to their country.
      BTW, Mr Obama isn’t trusting to windmills and solar panels; he had three large-capacity propane tanks installed at his home in Massachuettts. Rules for thee and not for me!

  6. When SleepylieingChina Joe Pulled us out of Afghanistan I saw on a tv clip of pallets of money that the soldiers were stuffing into backpack’s an plastic bag’s Thxs little Obama for nothing

  7. I lived near Claymont, had friends and relatives in Claymont and I am just a little older than Biden….IT NEVER RAINED OIL, AND NO ONE I KNEW EVER COMPLAINED ABOUT OIL SLICK ON THEIR WINDSHIELDS! Apparently his delusions go back to childhood. He should have written science fiction instead of going into politics.

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