This meme is so funny that we’re thinking of using it for all of our Christmas cards at Facts Not Memes this year. It’s an old photograph of Joe Biden, obviously, since he doesn’t look like he’s a skeleton made out of crepe paper and Botox.
But the look on that police officer’s face as Joe Biden puts his signature smooth move on the guy is absolutely priceless. He looks like he’s about to tase Biden.
Which reminds us: If Joe Biden does actually end up in the White House in January, it will mark the official end to the #MeToo movement. Powerful politicians and Hollywood producers will once again be free to sniff, grope, massage and digitally rape their underlings with total impunity once again.
No powerful, lecherous leftist can ever be called out for their actions again, otherwise it would look like total hypocrisy.
They can no longer accuse any powerful Democrat of being a cad while making excuses for the guy in the White House who has a 50-year track record of doing the exact same things.
Free Tara Reade!