Wow! Did you see Michigan poll worker Melissa Carone’s testimony on election fraud in Detroit this week, at that hearing before a Michigan state House committee? That was amazing!
She talked in great detail about the very specific and horrible fraudulent activities that she was personally witnessed on election night. She also pointed out that very few witnesses are willing to come forward, because they know that Democrats will ruin their lives – just as Democrats have ruined her life for speaking out.
Ms. Carone has received death threats against herself and her children due to her testimony. She had to move and is now finding it impossible to find a new job – all because she had the courage to come forward and describe the fraud in such great detail.
Oh, wait… you didn’t see any of that on the news? Oh, that’s right. Some Hollywood actress announced that she’s now a transgender dude and her name is now “Elliot.”
This meme is pretty much spot-on when it comes to our shameless media. Just look at that pile of microphones in front of “Elliot.”