Let’s be honest…the book would be much larger than this.
The modern social justice warrior sees problems everywhere — and when he doesn’t (just going to assume a gender for a minute), he will go out of his way to find them. It doesn’t matter what the premise is — someone has to be offended by something, and it may as well be him.
This tendency to be so “triggered” by absolutely everything outside of one’s worldview has caused irreparable harm to our national discourse. It isn’t enough to simply disagree with an opinion considered to be outside the mainstream — we can’t even engage with it openly.
This isn’t unique to American culture. In several European countries, there are actual laws on the books dictating that men and women cannot be shown doing stereotypically male and female things in commercials. Really, it’s a wonder how the average person steps outside without being arrested or fined for something each and every day in places like the United Kingdom or Sweden.
Hopefully, this is a cultural trend that will pass with the next generation. After all, it wasn’t long ago when conservatives were perceived to be the ones calling for “political correctness” (see: the 1990s). But with President Donald Trump’s very existence being linked to mental illness across the country, we’re not holding our breath this time…
~ Facts Not Memes