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“You Are Fake News” — Guy Still Doing Fake News

Here’s a meme giving you a closeup view of the original fake news guy’s shoes! CNN’s Jim Acosta has been an absolute… well, we won’t say what he’s been ever since President Trump was elected. But it’s pretty bad.

Acosta has been like a broken record ever since the Chinese virus broke out. All he can do is throw hissy fits and run for his fainting couch every time that President Trump refers to the Chinese virus as the “Chinese virus.” Acosta and other clown-shoe-wearing dopes threw all sorts of hysterical fits the other day when someone inside the White House referred to it as “the Kung Flu.”

Maybe Acosta is so offended about the Chinese flu because of his martial arts prowess? After all, who could forget the time that Acosta karate chopped that little White House intern girl when she tried to get the microphone away from him as he was shrieking at Trump and calling him a racist? Judo… chop!

But before you criticize the original fake news guy, try walking a mile in his shoes! Acosta is probably feeling a lot of stress these days anyway. You know, since the airports have emptied out and he now has zero viewers as a result?

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