Hasn’t House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) ever watched a gangster movie? When you
want to carry out a hit, you never send guys from your own squad. You bring in “outside talent”
from someplace like Chicago.
Like these chaps, for instance! We have it on good authority that they are out of work right now
and have relevant experience in carrying out hoaxes. So, did Adam Schiff hire outside talent to
carry out his Ukraine impeachment hoax?
Nope! He used his own staffers and look where it got him. Support for impeachment has
plummeted and President Trump’s popularity has soared during Schiff’s childishly transparent
Ukraine hoax. Everyone saw through Schiff’s ruse.
Imagine how differently the proceedings could have gone if Schiff had the sense to bring in the
Chicago hoax squad to carry out the impeachment hoax. It would have been an absolute joy to
watch these guys on the witness stand.
“And then I saw President Trump punch the little guy from Ukraine. And then Trump said, ‘You
will never get those anti-tank missiles until after you investigate Joe Biden to help my campaign! Ukraine is now MAGA country!’”
Impeachment support could have been through the roof, but Schiff blew it by hiring local talent.
Oh, and… Justice for Juicy!