When YOU Know That THEY Know That YOU Know That THEY’RE LYING

Geo-engineering is real. It has been discussed in major academic papers. It has been described in government documents. Military personnel have come forward saying that they have found the equipment inside airplanes. The materials have been found in air, water, plants, and animals all over the world.

It has been going on since the 1940s when it was first shown that an ordinary cloud could be turned into a raincloud through a technique called cloud seeding. They called it Weather as Weapons. Not kidding. Well, around that same time, ideas were being tossed around about using metallic particles to reflect the light of the sun back into space.

Now, we could go on all day about why anyone would want to spray aerosolized metals into the air all over the world, be we are just trying to show you that it is not the fevered fantasy of lone nuts. Do this one little experiment. Spend an afternoon watching the trails of high-flying jets. Then ask yourself, why do some trails fade in minutes, and others linger for hours.

The only reasonable answer might cause you to reconsider that spit-filled mask in your pocket because there is something other than water in those trails.

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15 thoughts on “When YOU Know That THEY Know That YOU Know That THEY’RE LYING”

  1. I’ve noticed them a lot in NE Florida late last year. Anywhere from one or two to seven or eight plus at one time going straight up until they disappear. Jet trails normally run parallel to the horizon, not perpendicular to it. These jet trails looked like the trails of the rockets fired from Cape Kennedy. I figured the military was testing some kind of ballistic missiles as we have military bases and bombing ranges all around this area.

  2. They say chemicals are for the purpose of reflecting sunlight back into space.Are they also trying to reflect moonlight back into space?? I’ve seen them time and time again chemtrailing at night..

  3. A couple of years ago, the U.N. admitted that they have been spraying for “3 or 4 decades”
    is what they said. They said the spray opens outward into clouds and it reflects the sun’s rays back into space. If that was true, why wouldn’t they spray at night? Or figure out how to remove all clouds? Clear the sky and the heat escapes. If you cast a blanket over it, you hold the heat in!
    Again, it’s 180° from their statement concerning Chemtrails.
    I just wonder, for whom are they terreforming our planet?!

  4. They ARE CHEMICALS dumped into our Atmosphere out of large planes and if those Chemicals were not Harmful The Government would disclose exactly what they are and why they are doing it. To Date that Disclosure has NOT been forthcoming!!!! Just thnk about that!!!

  5. They are putting hallucinogens and mood altering junk in them too. Why else would so many people be going crazy,rioting, or getting so depressed they do nothing? We are living Kurt Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron…

    1. I remember that very vividly! Art Bell is dead now and he would have a lot to say about the administration in power now!

  6. They are spreading psychoactive chemicals to make US citizens docile to further their plans. It has to be a slow build up so it is unnoticable until too late.

  7. Gates has been a lifelong eugenicist and supporter of radical population reduction, as was his father before him. Other super-rich plandemic profiteers are also convinced that there are too many people; Bezos, for example, wants to send large numbers of surplus humans into space. Schwab is not as interested in the number of people as in making sure that they are transhuman cyborgs assimilated by the Great Reset into the World Ecobonic Forum Matrix. Soros would be happy with the return of the death camps, where he got his start as a kapo picking gold out of the teeth of the dead. All of the schemes of the globalist elite seem to involve mass death, whether it is from the engineered virus, the “vaccine” that is a bioweapon, or the intentional reduction of food supply and decrease of global temperature that will cause the death of billions through cold and famine. When these schemes do not work, they will simply start wars and send anarchist, communist and black militant rioter armies into the streets to kill people.

  8. I noticed chemtrails in Johns Creek, GA just last week. Look up people! Now that their c.o.v.i.d plans are failing they’re back to poisoning the sky!

  9. Love to see all the Truckers leave Canada and deliver here in US, and tell Trudoe to use his martial law to deliver packages and product. Hope they are smart enough to start a recall

  10. I’ve wondered why it’s so hard for me to breathe outdoors at night. Not all nights, just a lot of them. Mentioned it to my doctors and got no answers. I thought that the city was spraying chemicals at night to control mosquitos or something similar. We seem to be the mosquitos. After working in the petro-chemical industry for a number of years, I became CHEMICALLY SENSITIVE…extremely so. I had to quit working at the age of 43. Seems like, now, I have my answer!

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