Declaring recently arriving migrants “great swimmers,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) is toying with the notion of having them work as lifeguards at the city’s public pools.
Adams voiced his displeasure at not being able to find employment on Tuesday during a news event, citing the hundreds of thousands of migrants who had come to New York City in recent years.
Adams stated that because immigrants are “great swimmers,” he would prefer to see them awarded lifeguard positions at the city’s public beaches and pools.
“Permit me to borrow your imagination for a little while. If there was a policy for immigrants and asylum seekers that said, “We may expedite [work permits] for those jobs that we are in great demand for,” Adams stated:
“How come we need lifeguards even though a sizable portion of the population in our country and city is proficient swimmers?” The only obstacle is that we refuse to provide them with the authorization to train as lifeguards. That is just not logical. However, if we had a strategy that stated, “We are going to expedite you if you meet the requirements; we have a scarcity of food service personnel.”
“We have a large number of qualified candidates eager to start working with the necessary abilities to fill positions, but bureaucracy is getting in the way, and we cannot let them start working.” That just is not logical.”
Adams has long supported the idea of the southern border serving as only a checkpoint through which immigrants with valid work permits might enter the country in search of employment.
While visiting Latin America in October of last year, Adams made the suggestion that all migrants from across the world should have the “right to work” in the United States, regardless of the effect that immigration has on American salaries and employment prospects.
“Permitting people to work is one of the most significant ways to achieve it—when you look at Colombia, they truly have proven how to integrate people into their cultures,” Adams added. “We think it is a right we should expand because nothing is more American or more compassionate than the freedom to labor.”
Wow! What a terrible mistake! Dems have lost all sense of reality and common sense. I was a Democrat since 1975 till 2015. I’m a Proud Repubican now and will never look back. Dems are a disgrace to America. And they are a laughing stock in the Global View. America is severely divided because of failed Democrat policy, and Obama, and biden presidency is on fire. Good riddance to the commanders and Cheifs of the Marxist, Nazi Democrats forever.
In 2015, after being a Democrat for 30 years, I became Republican. Why? Every democrat in the government told me Islam is a religion of peace
Typical stupid ni_ _ er, as they continue to be one of America’s biggest problems.
Thank you for presenting this picture/caption. I was censored on another site for posting a reminder that there are naturally occurring alligators in the Rio Grande River & signs are posted AND that Governor DeSantis/FL had offered to bolster the population. Both statements of truth.
I am of the opinion that the New Yorker’s statement that immigrants should be hired as life guards because they are good swimmers is either stupid or grossly ignorant, in addition to being highly insulting. If he had done just a little research, most can just wade across in knee deep water, without fear of any current being present. Plus most do not speak any English. My highest priority for our future, is that there is NO fast track to immediate citizenship & that the law is upheld for only citizens to vote in Federal elections. Any other outcome should be impeachment or prosecution. Again thank you for this opportunity to express truth & logic.
New York City Voted for him. Maybe just maybe they will wake up and vote for a republican.
There are very good reasons why so many New Yorker’s and Californian’s are fleeing their once beloved states. This is just one example.