What’s with These Weird Online Nerds Defending Hunter Biden?

This is one of the strangest phenomena that we’ve possibly ever seen: Say something truthful about Hunter Biden on social media, and these weird nerds will try to jump in and defend him. Hunter Biden is a mostly naked drug addict who pays for women who’ve been kidnapped and subjugated into human slavery and prostitution. And… These people are defending him?

By the way, this Simpsons meme about Hunter Biden is one of the only ones we’ve seen recently that we can even show you. That’s because in most of the Hunter Biden memes, he’s walking around cracked out and totally naked while cavorting with human slaves.

At the end of the day, who cares that Hunter Biden is an exhibitionist druggie? So what? We already knew that. The problem with the Hunter Biden laptop is that it reveals the FACT that Joe Biden sold the office of the vice presidency in exchange for personal wealth during the Obama years. 

10% for the Big Guy! The American people have every right to expect an investigation of the Biden family’s criminal activities revealed on the laptop. Stop defending Hunter Biden, weird nerds!

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10 thoughts on “What’s with These Weird Online Nerds Defending Hunter Biden?”


    1. Denise your right on!! If it anyone else they damned sure would be in Jail! Our legal system sucks, it’s not for everyone.

      1. As someone else posted: “Jussie Smollett is a free man. Alec Baldwin is a free man. Hunter Biden is a free man. A grandma who took selfies inside the Capitol building has been in jail for over a year.”

    2. I would guess the entire family needs to be arrested. All of his years representing citizens he was supposed to honor and defend our Constitution.
      It appears he has failed many times and is basically using his influence for monetary gains.
      There’s not much doubt what his son Hunter has been doing. Hunter Biden is one sick son of a bitch!! And you folks that voted for Joe for President, get your heads outta your asses.

  2. Unfortunately Kruschev was correct in the 1950’s that communism would take down America from the inside. Our government and educational systems at all levels have been infiltrated by totalitarians who have gradually infected our society morally and unconstitutionally. These seditionists and traitors must be heldcaccountabke and prosecuted under the laws of this country. The Bidens, Clinton’s, Pelosies, Schumer and Fauci are the tip of this destruction aided by the heads of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, FDA, CDC, NIH and all branches of our military. WE THE PEOPLE have only a few months to start the process of ridding the poison in America by building such momentum to use the power of the vote in November.

    1. Don’t forget the Bush’s. They are as much of a part of this ias anyone else. The first person I ever heard mention and support the NWO was Papa Bush. Personally I believe that he was the head of the so called “Deep State”. They have been struggling since his death. In his 50 years in D.C. he was a Congress member, the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., the Director of the U.S. liaison office to the People’s Republic of China, C.I.A. Director, Vice President and President. Not to mention all of the highly classified and important committees he sat on and chaired. Who else in D.C. ever wielded more power?

  3. There are two classes of people in America today. The wealthy elites and the peasants they look down on. Demoscum and the treasonous rino’s do not represent the people anymore, they just rob the same citizens who elected them. The story they put out that Social Security is going bankrupt is a lie. Social Security always has a surplus, and every year the politicians “borrowed” it. Borrowing without ever intending to pay it back is not borrowing IT’S STEALING. This is just one example of the thievery of American citizens money the government does.

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