Let’s get the obvious out of the way: we’re not suggesting that people like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are on the same level as the monsters who decapitate people they don’t like. This would be akin to social justice warriors saying President Donald Trump is a Nazi because he doesn’t use fake gender pronouns. Both of these lines of logic are just as stupid.
We will, however, point out the fact that Democrats in Congress have the same border policy that terrorists, MS-13 gang members, and everyone else pictured here does. By opposing border security at every level, these lawmakers are indirectly supporting these evil forces, and we need to call this out.
Now, being in favor of tougher border security is not a fringe political position. The vast majority of Americans may not support a wall per se, but almost everyone agrees that what we currently have isn’t enough. Because of this, Pelosi and Schumer have to pretend to want border security.
This is why they’re trying to solve the problem the same way former President Obama fought ISIS — with drones and robots. They’re not against walls — almost every Democrat supported border fencing barely a decade ago. They are, however, against giving President Trump a win, and that’s the only reason why they’re opposing the border wall at every turn.
~ Facts Not Memes