Quick question: How many people did you encounter in close proximity before these dumb government-mandated “shelter in place” orders compared to after? For many of us, this meme paints the most accurate picture possible of the situation.
For example, the morning after a shelter in place order was issued at the location of the Facts Not
Memes mobile headquarters and jiffy screen door repair shop, we encountered more humans than ever before at the grocery store. Seriously, the lines were so long that it made Black Friday shopping look like your unpopular little sister’s birthday party. No one was practicing social distancing, either.
Huh… it turns out that ordering people to stay at home for two weeks causes them to panic and rush out to the same location. Who could have predicted that?! (Besides everyone.)
It’s backfired so badly in some states and/or cities that the totalitarian leaders are threatening to arrest people for going out in public and exercising.
Maybe the people aren’t convinced that this Chinese virus is quite the apocalyptic world-ending event that the media and a bunch of Democrats want us to think it is!