In 2012, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney stood firm in his assertion that Russia and Vladimir Putin were America’s number one foreign policy threats — and the liberal media joined then-President Barack Obama in mocking him for weeks.
In 2018, Russia seems to be all you hear about from the left. It almost seems like the Red Scare all over again. Except, instead of communists (liberals have no problem with those people), it’s ghostly Russian “bots” creeping around all corners of the internet to ensure the Trumpian dynasty stays in power for eternity.
The truth is that Romney was exactly right when he labelled Russia as America’s foremost geo-political threat, and it’s still true today. Under Vladimir Putin’s leadership, Russia has annexed sovereign states including Georgia and Crimea, supported despotic regimes including Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, and has manufactured a bloody civil war in Ukraine.
In response, Trump has used America’s warplanes to slaughter Russian mercenaries supporting Assad, and has supplied pro-EU and pro-U.S. Ukrainians with deadly weapons to fight off Russian-backed separatists. Knowing this — why on Earth would Putin want to give Trump another four years, when he got away with murder under his predecessor?
Think about this for as long as you need to, and ask your liberal friends to do the same.
~ Facts Not Memes