President Donald Trump is the worst fascist dictator in the history of human civilization.
We don’t mean that he’s been really bad for people, we mean he’s just terrible at remembering that he’s supposed to be oppressing people.
This reactionary right-wing Nazi is letting people keep their own money, have more job options, make their own decisions about healthcare, and protecting them from having their jobs shipped overseas. If he was a competent dictator, journalists who harass him and his administration officials would be thrown into gulags. Instead, the worst thing that’s happened is one of them had his special pass suspended for a little while.
Come on, Trump, you’re better than this — you have to be. CNN is running out of things to complain about.
Living in the Trump era is very confusing for people who actually believe the things you’ve been reading up until this point are real. If you ever need a quick laugh, just remember that there are people who actually believe this.
~ Facts Not Memes