As we all know, the modern left prioritizes peace and understanding above all other things. The most important thing for us to do as Americans is come together, maybe enjoy a hippie drum circle, and hold hands or something.
Just kidding — that was the “left” in the 1960s and 70s. Today’s contemporary left is openly in favor of using violence to achieve its political goals. Apparently, it’s not just the masked marauders known as Antifa doing it. Now, it seems threats of violence are coming out of everyday leftists.
The man pictured here is Jordan Hunt, and he has been fired from his job after a video showing him “roundhouse” kicking a pro-life woman who challenged his pro-choice views went viral. We’re putting “roundhouse” in quotes here because the kick was performed terribly, but nonetheless constituted an assault on someone for simply having a differing view on a political issue.
The most telling words to come out of Hunt’s mouth came after the assault took place, when he told the woman that he meant to kick her phone.
Oh! Destruction of property — that makes everything better.
If you missed the altercation, we’ve included the full video below.
~ Facts Not Memes