Some time over the past decade or so, western cultures have adopted this idea that being insanely attractive is some sort of sin — and being as unhealthy as possible is a “stunning and brave” choice.
Coinciding somewhat with the far-left’s push to make gender an identity rather than a biological description, the “body positivity movement” has attempted to redefine our apparently oppressive standards of beauty. You see, men only find fit women attractive because they have been conditioned to do so — according to these activists.
In reaction, corporate America has capitulated at seemingly every turn. Things are even worse in parts of Europe, where businesses can face fines for publishing material that contains “unrealistic” standards of beauty.
Here’s the truth: physically adept individuals have garnered attraction from the opposite (or sometimes the same) sex for the entire history of humanity. It’s our biology: people who look healthy are ideal mating partners.
But, by all means…keep repeating “fat is beautiful” until you’re all blue in the face — at least you’ll sweat.