Time to Stock up on Candles with Joe Biden Running the Electric Grid

This joke has been around for a long time, but Turning Point finally set it to a meme. Frankly, the way the ruling class has been running the power grid makes this start to look more and more like our future reality here in America.

Just this past week, for example, Governor Hair-Gel in California told everyone they were going to have to cut back on electricity usage, and especially air conditioning. His state is “transitioning” off of coal powered and nuclear-powered energy that works and switching to windmills and solar panels.

In other words, our leaders are garbage people, and you should have to lower your standard of living because the people in charge suck at their jobs and are incompetent. And we’re not just picking on Democrats here. Texas is in terrible shape as well, because they’ve built so many of those ridiculous windmills. They’re telling everyone to shut their A/C off in the afternoons.

All of this would have been preventable if leaders in both parties had avoided drinking the Kool-Aid of Global Warming in the first place. But they didn’t. They drank deeply and ruined a great country in the process.

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8 thoughts on “Time to Stock up on Candles with Joe Biden Running the Electric Grid”

  1. The stupidity of the liberal idiot knows no bounds. Telling people to buy electric cars, which are not only affordable to the very wealthy, they are very dangerous, and very polluting to make. Wind mills and solar power, do not have the technology to be efficient enough to offset the cost of maintaining them. In simpler terms it costs more to maintain them then the energy out put is worth. Another thing the libs don’t know is trees need CO2 to thrive. Trees and other plants use CO2 and emit oxygen. Trees and other plants clean the air and cutting down heavily forested areas helps destroy our planet faster than many made pollution ever could. Maybe you libs should s go back to school and study real science like my generation did, 60 years ago.

    1. “Telling people to buy electric cars, which are not only affordable to the very wealthy, they are very dangerous, and very polluting to make.” – They are also unavailable. In 2021 the EV industry set a record delivering about 608,000 ( I rounded up) new EV’s. To date there are about 1,800,000 EV’s in the U.S. There are currently about 290,000,000 vehicles legally registered in counties across the U.S. At 608,000 per year it would take over 400 years to replace all of those currently registered vehicles. Have you seen the size of the holes in the ground at the lithium mines? That’s good for the environment?

      1. According to recent surveys, there isn’t enough lithium on the planets to build all the batteries for all of the EVs. Let alone cell phones, I-watches, personal data trackers, etc., etc. The world is set to run out of lithium around 2025. What then??!!

  2. Remember when these same “eco warriors” were pushing the latest greatest thing – the CFL light bulbs? IN California they made it law that every home in California could only have the CFL bulbs. Again they were 5 – 10 times the cost of the conventional incandescent light bulbs – which were not eco disasters – and if you are talkng about a typical residence – you saw no difference in your electric bill by switching to CFL’s. The big problem came when they realized how much mercury each one of those CFL bulbs contained. Then you had to buy the proper disposal containers to throw them away – usually an “authorized” disposal box would cost about $90.00 and had a one time use. Most people could not afford that so the bulbs went into the “normal” trash. Not very eco friendly huh? Now they are making the same mistake again with the EV’s. In the coming years they will have moved oin to something much better, But, in the meantime they are creating eco disasters in the name of saving the planet. Those hyrdogen cars would have been a much better solution. But I guess because hydrogen is free they had to come up with a “better” plan. It would also be very easy, quick and inexpensive to convert your current gas engine care to run on LNG – Liquified Natural Gas. Look around your town/city – you may notice a lot of Police Cars, Fire Trucks, Garbage Trucks and Busses already running on LGN. EV’s, Solar panels and windmills are just a way to take money away from one business and give it to another, it also means a lot of income for those new businesses to retrofit your homes to run on THEIR energy source. Kind of like taking student loans off of the backs of those who borrowed the mnoney and putting it on the backs of those who did not. When you look at how people vote you will notice why they vote that way – they actually think they are getting something for free. Even those these people think of them selves as very intelligent – much smarter than everyone else -they can’t seem to wrap their heads around the fact that the government has NO money without the taxpayers. THerfore anything that the government “Gives away free” is paid for by those same taxpayers. Who are these taxpayers? Pretty much everyone of us. So the government pretty much takes our money, votes for themselves very nice salaries and benefit packages – no Obamaacare for them – they kept their Rolls Royce plans. Obamacare is “good enough” for the lowly citiizens but the ruling elite are entitled to much better. Then, when they actually do “give” you something they have the audacity to pat themselves on the back for having done so – and you continue to re-elect these people? If I went around your neighborhood and collected $50 from each home – then later came back and gave the people in each home a “Free” box of ice cream – how “Free” was that ice cream?

    1. Absolutely correct in every statement you made ! Only thing they’ve not how to charge for is the AIR we breath , GIVE THEM TIME ,” THEY WILL”

    2. Your absolutely right on everything, and the light bulbs didn’t last as long as regular bulbs when used in the utility room, being turned on and off a lot.

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