The results of the so-called Trump-Russia investigation are due to drop any day now, and we’re all waiting on the edge of our seats to see what Special Counsel Robert Mueller has uncovered on this unprecedented attack on America’s democratic process.
Okay, so we’re actually doing that. What we’re really expecting isn’t so different from what you see in this spicy smackdown drawn by cartoonist Ben Garison.
The Mueller probe has dominated the headlines for over two years — only taking a backseat when Democrats decided to ruin a Supreme Court nominee’s life based on completely improvable information. That was it — that was the only break we got from the mainstream media and the Democratic Party’s constant witch hunt. Now that Brett Kavanaugh is firmly seated on the bench, it’s back to the 24/7 Russian collusion show.
At this point, we almost hope that Mueller found something. With over $20 million in taxpayer money spent because Democrats hate losing, we would at least like to get our money’s worth. But, we don’t think that’s going to happen.
~ Facts Not Memes