The modern left presents itself as the antithesis to all forms of bigotry. They are quick to condemn seemingly anything that even smells racist, although this sense of virtue and sympathy for the supposed underclass seems to vanish whenever they encounter a racial minority with an opinion they don’t like.
Consider the treatment of prominent black conservatives in America. Thomas Sowell, one of the most influential writers in the conservative commentariat, has been racked over the coals by the radical left as some sort of race traitor. Other non-white conservatives such as Larry Elder and Dinesh D’Souza (who is of Indian descent) have received similar treatment.
So, what gives? Isn’t the entire point of liberation to allow individuals to express their own beliefs and govern their own lives? Why does this disappear whenever someone is bold enough to step outside of the plantation, so to speak?
The reason for this is that the modern left doesn’t see the world in the optics of the individual versus the collective. Their solution to bigotry is to provide legal protections for specific groups of people, rather than enhancing individual rights. This speaks to their worldview at large, which in essence is the subjugation of the individual to the collective.
~ Facts Not Memes