The western world is truly a wondrous place. Built on the principles of Anglo-Saxon law, Greco-Roman philosophy, and Judeo-Christian morality, the west really is the foundation for the modern world. If it wasn’t, countries in Asia and parts of the Middle East and Africa probably wouldn’t have bothered with modeling their own governments and laws after it.
One of the strengths in the western world is diversity. Now, we’re not talking about “diversity” in the same way leftists do. The Magna Carta isn’t a brilliant hallmark in western political thought because the authors included an equitable number of people with three legs, people with purple skin, or wizards from Narnia. Western philosophical and economic accomplishments emerged from the diversity of ideas — a free market of thought, which included the development of the modern left that hates these things.
Diversity now is the idea pushed by the likes of academic and political elites, including the individuals in this image. Now, they’re not actually “racially diverse”, because it’s a bunch of white people pretending to be something else, and they’re not ideologically diverse either. But that doesn’t matter to their supporters, because their entire way of thinking is grounded in subjectivity and a rejection of reality.
Ladies and gentlemen, the left’s version of diversity…
~ Facts Not Memes