Virginia’s state government is seriously considering legislation that will mirror New York’s radical law allowing for abortion up until birth, and it’s reasonable to expect a myriad of other blue states to follow suit as soon as they feel like they can.
It’s always been curious how the progressive left can maintain such sympathy for foreigners whose very first act in the United States is breaking the law by illegally crossing the border, but feel nothing whatsoever for the most vulnerable members of any civilization: the unborn.
Perhaps we’ve just been approaching this debate the wrong way. Maybe, in order to appeal to their leftist sensibilities, we just have to change our language around a bit. The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh seems to have the right idea.
After all, aren’t “undocumented infants” just looking for a better life by crawling through the birth canal?
Something tells us that liberals are going to have a problem with this language.
~ Facts Not Memes