If you ask the modern feminist to justify his or her beliefs, chances are you’re going to get some rant about how they are fighting for “equal rights” for all genders. We say “all” because to say “both” is apparently sexist or something.
To be fair, this once characterized the feminist cause correctly. Early 20th century feminists wanted the vote and equal political representation. As the movement evolved, feminists began expanding their fight for equal rights in the workplace. Now, they have ditched equality altogether, and are demanding equal outcomes for income.
At the core of this modern blend of feminism is a derision for responsibility. The idea that some people make less money than others has never been directly tied to gender. Under a capitalist system, the most productive people go home with the most resources. That’s just how it works. This isn’t good enough for the modern feminist, who prefer to cast the blame on some invisible patriarchy that holds secret meetings on how to keep women oppressed.
In 2016, the United States was just a breath away from electing a woman to hold the most powerful political office in the world. She lost because her candidacy was hilariously flawed, not because of some secret chauvinist plot.
~ Facts Not Memes