This meme highlights yet another example of the mainstream media’s continued ability to shape
the public narrative for their Democrat Party masters. President Trump is being impeached right
now for being engaged in basic foreign policy. Huh?
Meanwhile, one of the people who will vote on Trump’s guilt or innocence in that trial is Sen.
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). It really wasn’t that long ago when Feinstein’s personal driver – a man
who had been working for her for more than 20 years – was arrested on espionage charges.
It turns out that Feinstein’s personal driver was a spy for the communist Chinese government.
Remember that? It probably rings a bell, but oddly enough, this factual evidence of a powerful
US Senator with access to highly classified information trusted an adversary nation’s spy well
enough to let him driver around for 20 years.
And the mainstream media never asks her questions about her relationship with the guy. It’s like
every Democrat has a special shield around them that prevents legitimate inquiry. Nothing to see
Then, after just a few short months of the media completely ignoring the story, most people
forget about it. Yeah, squawk some more about how President Trump is the treasonous one,
media weasels!