Have you ever noticed there’s a massive difference between how socialists in power live versus how people who live under socialism live?
While not in power, socialists and communists talk a tough game about “leveling the playing field” by redistributing the wealth from the evil capitalist class to the working class. Apparently, after almost a full century of examples, we can see that they really mean simply redistributing the wealth from everyone else to themselves.
Take the Castro regime in Cuba for instance. Raul Castro and his late brother Fidel lived in luxury while the rest of the country has been driving the same cars since the 1950s. In the Soviet Union, Communist Party leaders lived lavishly while the rest of the country starved. Today, we see this same dynamic playing out in Venezuela.
Also, and this is probably just a coincidence, but Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders purchased his third home not too long ago — not long after staging an entire presidential campaign which revolved around demonizing the rich.
~ Facts Not Memes