When Robert Mueller finally delivered his penultimate decision on the investigation into President Trump’s alleged relationship with the Russian government, some of us thought it was truly the end — finally, we could accept the legality of an election that happened over three years ago.
The more cynical among us knew that this was only the beginning — there was no way the Democrats were going to take that L sitting down. It’s true that many on the left pinned all of their hopes on Robert Mueller and his partisan team to deliver the silver bullet that could finally take out the evil Tangerine Emperor — the man who is literally worse than Hitler. But, the investigation had nothing on Trump personally, so for a brief moment it looked like Democrats were actually going to start referring to him as “President Trump.”
But, this was never about getting to the truth about anything. With a routine phone call with a foreign government now the subject of updated conspiracy theories, it’s clear that this charade is going to continue for as long as Trump occupies the White House.
Just take a look at the headlines you’re getting from the people in this picture: it’s like they’re just scratching out the word “Russia” and replacing it with “Ukraine.”