Look, we don’t have a lot of nice things to say about early 20th century communism. We don’t have any nice things to say about communism at all really: that’s kind of hard to do when an ideology has been linked to the deaths of over 100 million people in a single century.
This might be why the left likes to update its image every decade or so. At this point, the working class Bolshevik revolution is almost unrecognizable if you don’t look into what Vladimir Lenin actually wanted to do once the Russian Czars were overthrown. If you took a photo from this period and showed it to your average modern intersectional feminist, they would probably lament over the dismal display of diversity in the picture.
Make no mistake: the goals of the far left are still fundamentally the same — destroy the family unit, subvert counter-revolutionary points of view, and expand state control over private life as much as possible. But, we’ve come a pretty far way from “nationalize all industries” — now, it’s “biological sex isn’t real” and “misgendering someone is the same as stabbing them.”
Don’t misunderstand us — we’re not suggesting that there was anything noble about the violent communists in the last century. Those were horrible people. But, at the very, very least, it was possible to take them seriously. We still don’t know how to process what these blue hairs are even talking about now.