Normally, when someone like Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes a literal meme of of himself by uttering objectively idiotic phrases like “we prefer the term peoplekind”, netizens go all in before moving on to something else after a week or two.
This is not the case for the Liberal premier, who still finds himself being viciously mocked for arrogantly correcting a woman’s use of the term “mankind” to virtue signal what a swell guy he is for the feminist movement.
Obviously, the exchange shown in the image to the left didn’t actually happen. But, somehow, laughing at Trudeau’s expense hasn’t lost its luster.
Throughout his service as Canada’s prime minister, Trudeau has taken every opportunity to lend credence to the modern feminist movement. When asked why he employed a large number of women in his government, his simple answer at the time was “it’s 2015” — a borderline insulting response considering he mentioned nothing about their qualifications.
Meanwhile, actual feminists risk their lives defending their basic human right to self-governance in places like Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and other autocratic states. Justin Trudeau deserves to spend the rest of his life as a meme.
~ Facts Not Memes