This meme didn’t require much work, but it is incredibly effective. It’s pretty simple: Two side-by-side screenshots of Yahoo News fashion stories, one about First Lady Melania Trump and one about Joe Biden’s frumpy running mate.
Melania Trump is mocked and ridiculed by the mainstream media, despite the fact that she could put on a grain sack and make it look elegant. But when Kamala Harris wears the exact same pair of boots that Melania wore earlier, Harris is suddenly a fashion icon.
Haters gonna hate!
In addition to being highly intelligent, multi-lingual and flat-out elegant, Melania Trump is incredibly beautiful. This drives the mainstream media absolutely batty – especially after they spent eight years propping up Michelle Obama as a “lovely fashion icon.”
(Seriously? Mrs. Obama basically copied Jackie Kennedy’s wardrobe most of the time. No originality. No mojo. Pffft!)
This is why we should always play up Mrs. Trump’s fashion sensibilities to the max. It makes liberal heads explode.
It’s also why we need to constantly remind everyone between now and November that Kamala Harris dresses like she’s auditioning for a job as a horse groomer in Kim Jong Un’s stables.