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Something to Remember When Dems Talk About Gun Control

Democrats pushing gun control legislation love to tell us that their bills are going to make America safer. By disarming the population of the United States, these politicians want Americans to put faith in their government to keep our society secure.

Now, where have we heard that before? Oh, that’s right — we’ve heard the same logic every time the government has promised us anything before whatever program they’re talking about inevitably crash and burns, making everything worse in the process.

The federal government’s ability to screw things up is kind of like a superpower. Remember, retirement savings were supposed to be a thing of the past with Social Security, and that program is nearly bankrupt. And the disaster known as the Affordable Care Act (better known as “Obamacare”) was just the latest example. Remember, if we liked our doctors, we were supposed to be able to keep them…that turned out to be a huge lie.

It’s bewildering that Democrats actually get upset when Americans push back against these kind of promises. After all, government workers couldn’t even keep a pedo-criminal on suicide watch from killing himself in solitary confinement. The guards on duty neglected their duties, and both cameras watching the cell stopped working at the time of his death. Either this is a horrific coincidence, there was serious foul play involved, or most likely — government sucks at everything that it does.

But, whatever: let’s sell these same people our guns. That’ll solve everything…

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