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Socialist Refuses Debate with Ben Shapiro in the Dumbest Way

Let’s face it — we all know how this debate would have turned out. All New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had to do was say “no,” but that wasn’t good enough. Apparently, she felt the need to virtue-signal her way out of any credibility.

It backfired…horribly.

Instead of politely declining the Daily Wire founder’s offer to donate $10,000 to her campaign in exchange for a conversation on socialism and capitalism, the democratic socialist insisted she was being “cat-called” by a man with nefarious intentions. Apparently, she knows absolutely nothing about Shapiro.

To set the record straight, Shapiro might be the most prude political commentator in recent memory. He was (proudly) a virgin before he was married to his wife, and routinely condemns the overt sexualization of popular culture. Even discounting any of this, in what imaginable way is an invitation to defend her ideals akin to cat-calling? The jury is still out on this one.

Since she penned this mind-numbingly stupid tweet, Ocasio-Cortez has been mobbed on Twitter by users genuinely perplexed by this logic. Not only does she have a sub-elementary understanding of economics, but she doesn’t really seem to understand anything else either.

~ Facts Not Memes

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